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Banned xbox? corrupt profile? uncorrupt it!!

  • 29-01-2010 10:47pm
    Moderators, Music Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 9,390 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    This is not written by me, I've been using this for ages and thought I'd share it with you guys :)
    its good to still be able to play offline games and get the achievements

    What you need:

    A Data Transfer Cable for Xbox 360 or disassemble your hard drive.
    CON Flag Remover
    Hash Block Calculator
    Step 1:

    First thing you want to do is get a back-up of your current profile. You can skip this step and go to Step 3 B if you already have achievements on your banned console you wish to transfer to an unbanned. This is also just a precaution and can be skipped if you don't wish to make a back up.
    Either connect your hard drive to your PC through the Data Cable or disassemble the hard drive and connect using normal Sata connections.
    Next open "Xplorer360". Click "Drive>Open>Harddrive or Memory-card".
    Select "Partition 3", then expand "Content"
    Under this will be several folders Starting with "E". These folder names are your profile ID so I can't say for sure they name of yours but if there is only one profile it will be easiest.
    Expand your E folder, "FFFE07D1", then "000100000"
    Now you will see you Profile file

    Drag this file onto your desktop or any where you can find it.

    Step 2.
    Now make a back up just in case. right click on the file you just dragged from the hard drive. Click copy. right click again and click paste. you can then rename this file what ever you want just remember it is the Original. I would suggest just adding ORG or BAK to the end of the file name.

    Step 3.
    A:For use with a previously recovered Gamertag that is not corrupted
    You can now put your Hard drive onto your banned console. I would suggest either just playing a game a or getting an easy achievement to test. Then move on to Step 4.

    B: For those with a still corrupted Gamertag
    If you have a Corrupted Gamertag that you have received addition Achievements you can uncorrupt that gamertag and have it add those achievements to your online Gamerscore. Just remember not to recover your tag from Live unto after you have fixed this original corrupted one. Doing so will prevent you from ever being able to add those achievements to your gamerscore.

    Step 4:
    Once you are ready to move your Profile back to a Unbanned Console hook the hard drive back up to the PC. Repeat steps 1 & 2. This new profile will have all the achievements you just obtained on it.

    Step 5:
    Open "CON Flag Remover"

    Click "Open Profile". Browse for the file you just got in Xplorer360.
    Click "Remove Flags".
    Step 6:

    Open "Xbox 360 Hash Block Calculator"
    Click "File>Open"
    Open the file you just removed CON Flags From
    Click "Tools>Calculate Hash Blocks"

    Step 7:
    Open Xplorer360, open you hard drive. Navigate to where your profile is stored. Drag the file you you have edited onto the Xplorer360 window. Tell it to replace the file if asked. Disconnect hard drive from PC and reconnect to Xbox.

    It may take up to 30 minutes before your new score is seen by friends or on

    This must be done each time hard drive is connected to a banned console. Its a bit of a pain but does make it so you can continue to get achievements on a banned console.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,505 ✭✭✭nevaeh-2die-4

    If the console is banned they deserved to be banned for being cheating cnuts or playing pirate games there console should stay blocked.

    Thanks for opening the door for them

  • Moderators, Music Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 9,390 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lenny

    Oh give up, my console was banned but nearly every copy I have, I have bought.
    I just like to play games early before they come out to get the single player out of the way :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,582 ✭✭✭TouchingVirus

    If the console is banned they deserved to be banned for being cheating cnuts or playing pirate games there console should stay blocked.

    Thanks for opening the door for them

    *puts away peg leg* Yaaaaaar!

    No, not everybody who got banned were playing games they didn't own. That was the assumption Microsoft made, and it was wrong in plenty of cases. Enough cases that'd have a real grievance about the unsigning of savegames and profiles.

    This doesn't open the door for anything else other than enabling the hard drive to move between consoles again.

    And as a further aside, if you're caught resigning stuff your GamerTag will get banned because the same method can be used to play other people's savegames.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,339 ✭✭✭✭tman

    Lenny wrote: »
    Oh give up, my console was banned but nearly every copy I have, I have bought.
    I just like to play games early before they come out to get the single player out of the way :)

    Oh, you owned nearly all of the games, that makes it alright then...

  • Moderators, Music Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 9,390 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lenny

    Come on now.. Your telling me you've never pirated a console game, music cd, pc game, film, a dodgy box.
    There's been a few games that I never bought.. Those ones being that I put in the disk drive an played it for about 15 mins an didn't like it at all so never played them again an was delighted I never bought them

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,272 ✭✭✭✭DARK-KNIGHT

    Lenny wrote: »
    Come on now.. Your telling me you've never pirated a console game, music cd, pc game, film, a dodgy box.
    There's been a few games that I never bought.. Those ones being that I put in the disk drive an played it for about 15 mins an didn't like it at all so never played them again an was delighted I never bought them
    hey lenny, i have never pirated anything and thats being honest!

    maybe you didnt pirate ALL the games but am i right in saying you still had pirated games? the problem some users/gamers like myself and others have with pirated material is that while you get free games and its great for you, gaming developers are struggling to make profits from games and what will happen if they are not making money?? we wont be playing games thats what will happen!

    game shops like game or gamestop are seriously damaging the gaming industry through sales of second hand games think about this guys seriously!!


    sorry for the rant here but this issue pisses me off!

    btw you giving people instructions on how to get around bannedf console scenario is ridiculous!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,339 ✭✭✭✭tman

    Lenny wrote: »
    Come on now.. Your telling me you've never pirated a console game, music cd, pc game, film, a dodgy box.
    There's been a few games that I never bought.. Those ones being that I put in the disk drive an played it for about 15 mins an didn't like it at all so never played them again an was delighted I never bought them

    That's not what I meant at all... I've pirated plenty of stuff in my time, but for example with pc games I have never expected to be able to join an online game with them.
    If you've modded a console with the intention of playing pirated games on it and it gets banned, those are the breaks and you should just deal with it, not try to circumvent the ban and drag us down with you.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 9,390 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lenny

    Game developers are still making money, cause if they weren't such games wouldn't exist, right? I do buy games, I have 40+ games, and I don't trade any of them in, and I never buy pre owned games
    maybe there profit margins aren't as big.
    This is nothing to do with pirated games.
    I have two xboxes, one downstairs and one upstairs
    I like being able to just take my harddrive out and play from my save on the banned console, this is just a way around ms way of "punishing" people.
    there's many reasons you can get console banned, ie. fitting another fan inside it.
    its always a cat & mouse game with ms... as with a lot of things to be honest
    I just don't see why I have to defend myself here, I made a really helpful topic there which will hopefully help a few people to recover there game saves from there old banned consoles for when they purchase their new console :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,272 ✭✭✭✭DARK-KNIGHT

    Lenny wrote: »
    Game developers are still making money, cause if they weren't such games wouldn't exist, right? I do buy games, I have 40+ games, and I don't trade any of them in, and I never buy pre owned games
    maybe there profit margins aren't as big.
    This is nothing to do with pirated games.
    I have two xboxes, one downstairs and one upstairs
    I like being able to just take my harddrive out and play from my save on the banned console, this is just a way around ms way of "punishing" people.
    there's many reasons you can get console banned, ie. fitting another fan inside it.
    its always a cat & mouse game with ms... as with a lot of things to be honest
    I just don't see why I have to defend myself here, I made a really helpful topic there which will hopefully help a few people to recover there game saves from there old banned consoles for when they purchase their new console :)
    ok then your a genuine buyer of games! just saying that lads that do pirate games illegally will catch this and imo they should be punished!

    btw sorry for thinking you were just pirating games!!!;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,418 ✭✭✭griffdaddy

    People like you make me sick to the pit of my stomach Lenny. Thanks to your ilk Bill Gates could only afford a standard 50m swimming pool, when all he really wanted was a jumbo 100m. Shame on you.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭docentore

    griffdaddy wrote: »
    People like you make me sick to the pit of my stomach Lenny. Thanks to your ilk Bill Gates could only afford a standard 50m swimming pool, when all he really wanted was a jumbo 100m. Shame on you.

    You might be laughing but this is serious. Because of what Lenny is doing Bill might loose the title of the richest man on planet earth. Put yourself in Bill's situation - not so funny anymore, uh?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,582 ✭✭✭TouchingVirus

    tman wrote: »
    That's not what I meant at all... I've pirated plenty of stuff in my time, but for example with pc games I have never expected to be able to join an online game with them.
    If you've modded a console with the intention of playing pirated games on it and it gets banned, those are the breaks and you should just deal with it, not try to circumvent the ban and drag us down with you.

    You're clearly not educated on what Lenny posted.

    If all Microsoft did during the ban was remove the ability to play online with the backup/pirated games then nobody would really give a crap - I know I wouldn't. But no, they did a bit more than that. Any savegame you play on a banned console becomes "unsigned", from that point on it will appear as "corrupted" to any other xbox that isn't banned. Any profile you load on your console also gets unsigned and "corrupted". You want to install a legally owned game on the hard drive to stop the annoying disc noise? Nope, that feature is gone too, despite having nothing to do with Xbox Live! play.

    Take the scenario that you didn't even have a Gold membership so you couldn't play online, but you did have a silver membershop so you pay for Arcade games and play them. One day you power on the console, it connects to Live and you're banned. From now on even if you were halfway through your legally owned copy of Assassin's Creed 2 on your modded xbox, got banned, played it one more time before going out to buy a new xbox, when you got it that savegame would not work. All your effort down the tubes for doing nothing "wrong" if all you played were backups.

    Lenny's method will allow you to sign that savegame again so you can use it between the two consoles. It will not allow you to play online. That ban is permanent, enforced on Microsoft's side and there is simply no way around it.

    My reason for not doing this, and suggesting anybody who likes their gamertag shouldn't do it, is because this can be used to get achievements you shouldn't be allowed to. It can be used to make the achievements you get from pirated games be counted on your gamerscore - against T&C of xbox live, and that'll earn you a GamerTag ban and you'll lose everything. If you care not about the chance of a gamertag ban then fair enough - I've got XBLA games and stuff attached to my gamertag, I don't know what the policy is on this since I bought them but I'm not running the risk of losing my tag AND my Arcade games ;)
