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eircom getting really desperate now

  • 27-01-2010 4:23pm
    Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭

    If you have been disconnected for a year they will let you back free for 10 months now with NO LINE RENTAL and free connection as long as the line is there.

    They have also gotten rid of the 6 month MINIMUM DSL CONTRACT and now a bundle OR dsl only contract with them is for 12 months MINIMUM.

    eircom were running this particular promotion regionally until last week ( in the south) but gave up and made it national. I don't know if they will discount the €25.36 a month for 10 months off a bundle, better email them and get it in writing.

    eircom PSTN Trial Line Promotion

    Promotion Period : 20th January to 20th May 2010

    PSTN Monthly Rental (ex vat) Monthly Rental (inc vat)
    Standard Monthly Rental €20.96 €25.36
    Promotional Monthly Rental €0.00 €0.00
    Total Discount (over 10 months) €209.60 €253.62

    1 The eircom Trial Line Promotion offers the above promotional discounts to eligible Residential PSTN lines between the dates shown above.
    2 This promotion relates to PSTN lines, which are inactive on the eircom network (in situ or pre-cabled) and can be electronically enabled. To be eligible for this promotion, a lin
    must be inactive from 12 months on the last day of the promotion, shown above. This promotion only applies to premises where there is no active line already in place.

    3 eircom will retain a list of all eligible lines and retains the final judgement on whether a premises is eligible/ineligible for the promotion.
    4 If a line availing of the promotion is ceased at any time during the 10-month promotion, the discount is foregone for the remainder of the promotion.
    5 If a customer moves address during the promotional period, the discount is foregone for the remainder of the promotional period. However, if the customer is moving to an
    eligible address where there is still an active promotion, they may qualify for a new 10-month promotion.
    6 eircom reserves the right to withdraw this offer by giving relevant notice in accordance with normal requirements.
    7 Usage of eircom PSTN is deemed to be acceptance of the eircom General Terms and Conditions of Telephone Service.
    8 Customers upgrading from PSTN to ISDN will lose their discount.
    9 Customers moving their Calls or Calls and Line Rental between telecommunications providers will lose their discount.
    10 Customers may avail of one Trial Line promotion per account.
    11 The Vulnerable User Scheme discount package is not available to Trial Line customers for the period that the customer is availing of the Trial Line Promotion.
    12 Customers availing of the Trial Line promotion may also be eligible to receive the DFSA (Department of Social and Family Affairs) Telephone Allowance.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,070 ✭✭✭ScouseMouse

    To right they are. Have you heard the advert about so many customers are coming back every week/month?

    I brought this up with an eircom employee and he mentioned that they didnt say how many they were loseing per month. It an awful lot more.

    They did shaft us for long enough.....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,150 ✭✭✭Ronan|Raven

    They keep calling here for the last month in person trying to get us to switch back. If I have to tell them to politely **** off once more...
