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  • 27-12-2009 3:09pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Just felt i had to post this,as im still a bit shocked!!!My o/h is godfather to his niece,and spent between 50-60euro on her christmas present,which we both felt was plenty givin the money toubles we all have in this country!!
    On christmas morining,at 7:00am,his sister rang to say hes not to ring her again ever because he didnt spend enough money on his niece and his presents were 'cheap'!!!
    He got her a few different bits,some were disney,some were nike and some were primark.
    We havent heard anything from her since,and i just cant believe that anyone would be so bloody rude!!
    Has anyone any advise as to how to tackel this situation???or has anyone ever done anything like this,or have it done to them?
