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"Father Ralph" ; Catholic Ireland

  • 10-12-2009 5:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭

    During research for our book, we came across a book in a Thrift Shop called "Father Ralph"

    It was written in the 1920s, an autobiographical novel, and has been recently reprinted because it is so relevant and contemporary.

    ie it could have been written recently.

    It reveals clearly the background and roots of the present corruption here in the Church. Not the sexual abuse, although that is hinted at, but the "old boys network" the preoccupation with money etc etc.. and that is was then as now almost impossible for a man of integrity and faith to be priest.

    The text is online in full.

    It gave us an insight into the present debacle. And how far back the roots of all this go.

    Aches the heart.
