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N97 Vs. N97 Mini Vs. iPhone

  • 04-12-2009 12:13pm
    Registered Users Posts: 898 ✭✭✭

    Hi guys,

    currently have an iPhone 3G but am getting quite sick of the keyboard on it.

    Want some advice on moving over to a Nokia, more specifically, the N97 or N97 mini.

    Have done some research on the net and it appears that the N97 mini seems to have a better spec that the N97, would I be right in assuming this?

    The main uses I have for the iphone are email and browser and texting.

    I'm really leaning towards the N97 as it has a physical keyboard, can the owners tell me their thoughts on the usage of the keyboard and also what they think of it compared to the iphone keyboard (if they've owned both?)

    Also, what is the browser like on the n97? i'd normally be browsing internet forums and some news websites like breaking news, is it fast? is it as good as safari on the iphone? whats the usablity like?

    Also, whats the email like on the n97? is it as easy to use as the iPhone?

    Any advice or suggestions are welcome :) thanks in advance :)
