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Fair City Removed from RTE Player

  • 25-11-2009 8:39pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 31

    Fair City has been removed from the RTE Player (last week in fact.)

    A source in the media tells me this is because RTE is concerned that the viewing numbers of the TV version are falling because of the RTE Player and hence advertising revenues are falling.

    Peter Feeney of RTE has refused to comment on this.

    Anyone throw any light on it? What programmes are RTE going to remove next from the RTE Player (presumably the ones they make that reveal their salaries)?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 eadel

    very sad also about this. I think we pay enough licence fee to cover costs. And RTE player was so handy for me. Coz some nights the football is on RTE 2 (like tonight) and some nights Fair City is on just at the time I'm putting baby to bed. Most other times I tune in and watch it in real time on RTE 1. I would imagine most users of RTE player only use it on the odd occasion when missing Fair City is beyond their control. What's next to go?
    C'mon RTE - do something about this please.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Meeja Ireland

    guybague wrote: »
    A source in the media tells me this is because RTE is concerned that the viewing numbers of the TV version are falling because of the RTE Player and hence advertising revenues are falling.

    Interesting, but that theory doesn't look right to me. For a start, the ratings are definitely not falling. It regularly hits over half a million viewers, which is huge. According to the Herald it recently surged ahead of both Coronation Street and Eastenders.

    And why take Fair City off, but leave the Late Late Show and everything else on? It has to be something specific to the programme.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭baalthor

    De union is looking for more money ...

    Pity, people I know were on it and I wanted to shame congratulate them on facebook :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,233 ✭✭✭Shakyfan

    No-one heard of video recorders?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 guybague

    Many thanks for clarifying this.

    "As part of RTÉs overall negotiations on contractor payment rates, discussions between RTÉ and the actors union Equity are underway. Unfortunately during this period live and on demand catch up of Fair City online is suspended."

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 guybague

    Shakyfan wrote: »
    No-one heard of video recorders?

    I believe they were popular with people in the 80's - before the internet. You're missing the point of making programmes available online.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Meeja Ireland

    Shakyfan wrote: »
    No-one heard of video recorders?

    No-one heard of skiving off at work?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Meeja Ireland

    baalthor wrote: »
    De union is looking for more money ...

    Pity, people I know were on it and I wanted to shame congratulate them on facebook :D

    Weird time to be looking for more money. But more importantly, got any gossip?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,233 ✭✭✭Shakyfan

    guybague wrote: »
    I believe they were popular with people in the 80's - before the internet. You're missing the point of making programmes available online.

    People were complaining about missing Fair City... Do none of them have video recorders? I was offering a solution to their problem, THAT was my point!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭baalthor

    Weird time to be looking for more money. But more importantly, got any gossip?

    I'll let you know if I have any ...

    If I'd known before-hand, I would have got them to ask Una if she was really in the Resident Evil video game:D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,641 ✭✭✭✭Elmo

    Seriously what could the actors on Fair City do? go on strike. While the show might be popular I don't think even fans would miss it all that much. I think actors need to realise that PVRs (The new VCRs :rolleyes: ) and Internet catch up services are all part of the game, you aren't losing any money.

    This is one of the reasons RTÉ doesn't repeat many of it own home produced dramas.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,030 ✭✭✭angel01

    Elmo wrote: »
    Seriously what could the actors on Fair City do? go on strike. While the show might be popular I don't think even fans would miss it all that much. I think actors need to realise that PVRs (The new VCRs :rolleyes: ) and Internet catch up services are all part of the game, you aren't losing any money.

    This is one of the reasons RTÉ doesn't repeat many of it own home produced dramas.

    Exactly. I have a PVR and now record using that and rarely use the RTE player that much anymore. It is a god send.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 279 ✭✭VeeEmmy

    Shakyfan wrote: »
    Do none of them have video recorders? I was offering a solution to their problem, THAT was my point!

    I have Sky+ and record it regularly in case I have to miss for some reason, but when there is an overlap, it creates clash problems w/ recording if you change channels by clicking instead actually entering the channel no. The clash happened on me Tuesday, I think, so I had to select a program not to record. I chose FC coz I'd watch it.

    Somewhere in the mix, I accidentally ( well Sky+ did it because of the way it's set up) deleted the "series" minder, so no Fair City has been recorded since. I have only just realised that. I missed the big Lara revelation.

    The move to make it compete with Coronation Street is a stupid one in my opnion. I'd watch Corrie over FC, even though I enjoy FC quite a lot.

    And Shakyfan, it's possible that not EVERYONE who has the internet has a video recorder or Sky+. I think it's just plain nasty of them not to have it on the rte/player. In view of that, it may be why the replay option has been made available on stations' websites. And one has to know in advance that they might miss the program to set up the video recorder to record it.

    But thanks for reminding me to check my series record setting and re-instate it. That is a gripe I have w/ Sky+. If you stop a recording sometimes (I haven't figured out the pattern), it also deletes the "series" connection.

    Makes me want to boycott FC though. Things like that are just plain annoying. rte/Player is a very cool thing, and I was looking forward to catching up today.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,641 ✭✭✭✭Elmo

    The move to make it compete with Coronation Street is a stupid one in my opinion. I'd watch Corrie over FC, even though I enjoy FC quite a lot.

    CS moved to Thursday Nights at 8:30 for the soccer. That was ITV. RTÉ then moved FC to 7:30 on Wednesday Nights at 7:30, I am guessing to fill in the schedule between Emmerdale and FC. But ITV also moved Emmerdale to 8pm on Thursday night at 8pm to compete with FC with no change by RTÉ, leaving them in competition with one another. FC wins over Emmerdale.

    Which still seems to be the case looking that the schduels of Soap Operas

    7pm Emmerdale Mon - Fri
    7:30 CS mon + fri, FC wed, EastEnders Tue + Thur
    8pm Eastenders Mon + Fri, FC Sun, Tue + Thur, Emmerdale Thur
    8:30 CS Thursday,Ros Na Run Tuesday and Thursday

    Clashing schedules in bold.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 279 ✭✭VeeEmmy

    Starting to verge on going OT ...but my clash is an overlap one, I think. That may have caused my prob with missing Fair City.

    Since shows don't start precisely at the time Sky has them scheduled to start, I have manually set my recordings to start 5 mins early and to run 5-10mins past, and that creates clashes. (I hate missing the beginning or ends of shows when the channel starts the show 5 mins before Sky says it is to be on). But it happens anyway when things record back to back and are stacked up the way FC, Corrie, 'stenders and Jon Stewart are. (I have managed to avoid Emmerdale. Don't know a thing about it, thank goodness.) The recent re-scheduling of FC has just added to the complication.

    Another way a clash is created: Sky+ may be set to record 2 shows simultaneously, but I'm on a 3rd channel when the recording attempts to begin.
    Can't do that = clash.
    Choose which one not to record.

    Or I'm on one of the channels being recorded and Iwant to go to the other channel, and out of habit, I press the channel up/down button instead of pressing the actual channel numbers.
    I then involve a 3rd channel if I'm going from 103 to 101.
    Choose which channel to stop recording if you want to watch 102.
    (I didn't want to watch 102...)
    My own stupid mistake, and no "escape" provided by Sky+ to save me from my error.

    I actually think that is where my Fair City failed.
    I think I tried to set it back to record after I made that mistake, and it failed.

    As this is not a critical issue in my life, I do not remember the details of how I messed up or how Sky+ helped me mess up and could not swear in a court of law as to what transpired.

    For whatever reason Fair City did not record and I missed the "Lara is living with Zumo" bit, and then couldn't watch it today on rte/player.

    That is my 60-90mins of "zone-out" time and I'm just annoyed with RTE that I now can't catch up the episode that I missed. Unaware that I would not be able to see it on the thingie, I did not set sky+ to record it on the replay the next day.

    But I think i will live. The synopsis on Digiguide told me enough...
    Lara, who reveals she is staying at Zumo's, gets a mixed reception from Dolores, Malachy and Cleo. Dean brushes off Kylie's latest attempt to initiate intimacy.Tracey makes Kylie dinner and gives her a gift for her birthday. A delighted Kylie exacerbates Tracey's guilt by telling Tracey how much she loves her.
    ... and if I look at the spoiler-laden synopsis in the RTE Guide, I'll know waaay more than I want to know.

    Maybe the reason it was pulled from the player is that as their commercials aren't shown on the player (right?) Kellogg's told them they better take it down or else, as "Kellogg's proudly sponsors Fair City" ... and puts way more salt and sugar in your children's cereals here than they do in the US.:rolleyes: (Definitely OT).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,221 ✭✭✭BluesBerry

    Shakyfan wrote: »
    No-one heard of video recorders?

    No what are these video thingamidgeties you talk off :p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,641 ✭✭✭✭Elmo

    Maybe the reason it was pulled from the player is that as their commercials aren't shown on the player (right?) Kellogg's told them they better take it down or else, as "Kellogg's proudly sponsors Fair City" ... and puts way more salt and sugar in your children's cereals here than they do in the US.:rolleyes: (Definitely OT).

    No prob, thanks for the explanation. PVR the repeats, maybe?

    Most of the shows that RTÉ have a sponsor for run an advert on the RTÉ Player that you cannot fast forward through. So the Kellogg's ad would have been on the RTÉ Player, just like Quinn for The Late Late Show.

    This issue is purely with Equity the Actors Union not with RTÉ.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,382 ✭✭✭jimmyw

    While their at it they could take the tv programme off aswell cause its the greatest pile of slurry was ever put on tv. Still raging about them taking off "the clinic":mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,937 ✭✭✭patwicklow

    guybague wrote: »
    Fair City has been removed from the RTE Player (last week in fact.)

    A source in the media tells me this is because RTE is concerned that the viewing numbers of the TV version are falling because of the RTE Player and hence advertising revenues are falling.

    Peter Feeney of RTE has refused to comment on this.

    Anyone throw any light on it? What programmes are RTE going to remove next from the RTE Player (presumably the ones they make that reveal their salaries)?


    well thats rte again for ya pure greed on there part there sould,nt even be adverts on it, sould be like the bbc with no ads at all. and they even get money off sky its a disgrace to be honest utter disgrace. we people have to put up with a lot......

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,641 ✭✭✭✭Elmo

    patwicklow wrote: »
    well thats rte again for ya pure greed on there part there sould,nt even be adverts on it, sould be like the bbc with no ads at all. and they even get money off sky its a disgrace to be honest utter disgrace. we people have to put up with a lot......

    RTÉ get no money from Sky. Don't compare RTÉ to the BBC. It isn't the only PSB in Europe to be dual funded.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 eadel

    I got a relpy today from RTE to an email that I sent them yesterday about the real player issue. Much the same answers that have been received by others already. One thing though that struck me was that she said it had only been up and running on a week's trial basis - I must be really be losing it here, coz I could swear I used it over a number of weeks!!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,937 ✭✭✭patwicklow

    eadel wrote: »
    I got a relpy today from RTE to an email that I sent them yesterday about the real player issue. Much the same answers that have been received by others already. One thing though that struck me was that she said it had only been up and running on a week's trial basis - I must be really be losing it here, coz I could swear I used it over a number of weeks!!

    well i can tell you its been on there more then a week more like 6 or 7 months
    you see lies from them again!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,295 ✭✭✭Meeja Ireland

    eadel wrote: »
    I got a relpy today from RTE to an email that I sent them yesterday about the real player issue. Much the same answers that have been received by others already. One thing though that struck me was that she said it had only been up and running on a week's trial basis - I must be really be losing it here, coz I could swear I used it over a number of weeks!!


    Are you sure that's what they said? Can you quote the mail? The service was up for at least two months. I can't see why they would intentionally misrepresent that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 eadel

    Below is a copy of the email and it reads as follows. (I didn't print the sender's name - don't know if I'm allowed to or not)

    Thank you for your e-mail.

    The programme was available for catch up on the RTÉ Player for a seven day period on a trial basis only. The trial period has now ended.

    As part of RTÉ's overall negotiations on contractor payment rates, discussions between RTÉ and the actors union Equity are underway. Unfortunately while these negotiations are taking place 'live' and 'on demand' catch up of 'Fair City' online is suspended.

    With best regards

  • Subscribers Posts: 16,663 ✭✭✭✭copacetic

    eadel wrote: »
    Below is a copy of the email and it reads as follows. (I didn't print the sender's name - don't know if I'm allowed to or not)

    Thank you for your e-mail.

    The programme was available for catch up on the RTÉ Player for a seven day period on a trial basis only. The trial period has now ended.

    As part of RTÉ's overall negotiations on contractor payment rates, discussions between RTÉ and the actors union Equity are underway. Unfortunately while these negotiations are taking place 'live' and 'on demand' catch up of 'Fair City' online is suspended.

    With best regards

    the important words. episodes were available for 7 days after broadcast, during the trial period. It doesn't say the trial was a week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 eadel

    Thanks for clearing that up. I should have read it properly before making my assumption. At least I'm not losing my mind after all :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 jtots

    Hey so does any one actually know of another way to watch an episode of fair city after it was shown on telly?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 eadel

    Have no idea...I've been looking out for something for ages now :confused:
    suppose get someone to record it for you. that's about all I can come up with. it's very annoying...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,641 ✭✭✭✭Elmo

    Email Equity.

    Dear Equity,

    The dispute between Equity and RTÉ about Fair City on the RTÉ Player has been ongoing isn't the Player's launch.

    The internet is not something to be afraid of, rather it should be embraced by Equity.

    Fair City is only getting further recognition because of the RTÉ Player and this promotion should serve the actors on the show.

    Kind regards,

    A fan of Fair City.

    I would give you the website address only it seems to contain malware.

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