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British Navy records

  • 21-11-2009 9:44pm
    Registered Users Posts: 320 ✭✭

    My grandfather was in the British Navy in WW1 and served on the ship "New Zealand" during the battle of Jutland.
    I found a single page in the British National Archives which the names of other ships he served on as well as his service number.
    I know he was with the British Navy during the Russian Civil War and that his commanding officer was court marshalled and he was called to give evidence.

    The page from the National Archive is difficult to read and I was wondering if anyone could point me towards and websites where I could get more information if I input his service number. I have also heard that there are some people who advertise on the web and they will look up records in the National Archives in the UK. I have looked for advertisements without luck :(

    If anyone could point me towards any useful websites I would be grateful.

