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Adding Sky News to Freesat box

  • 19-11-2009 8:40am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 82 ✭✭

    Hi all

    My dad has a Grundig Freesat HD box and wants to know if he can add Sky News to it manually. As I can't just pop down to have a look for him I said I'd ask the experts if they knew:

    A. If it is possible, and
    B. If so, could someone provide a simple step-by-step guide as to how it can be done?

    Many thanks


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,158 ✭✭✭John mac

    1, yes you can but in non freesat mode.
    have a look here

    I dont know the steps as i dont have one.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 551 ✭✭✭coffee to go

    The Grundig boxes use a different system to the Humaxes.

    Here's a step by step guide yoinked from:

    Adding non-freesat services is relatively simple providing you have the Frequency, Polarity and Symbol Rate (also the Foward Error Correction (FEC) if you are adding extra channels to a Sky box). You can get these from which I sure is elsewhere on the site or Frequencies. The satellites have a number of transponders, each of which transmits on a single Frequency and Polarity at least six or more channels. For example tp44 is broadcasting on a Frequency of 10758 Vertical. The Symbol Rate (SR) is 22000 and the FEC is 5/6. The channels broadcast are four ITV1 regionals, ITV2, ITV4, CITV and Men & Motors. The warning I would give is to scan each frequency one at a time, delete the extra channels you don't want and then move on to the next frequency. Otherwise your non-freesat channel list will become clogged with rubbish.
    To help others the step by step guide I use is:
    On the Freesat Remote Control Select Menu and Press 2 “Settings”
    Select “Show Non-Freesat Services” and Select “Yes” (once only)
    Select “Add Non-Freesat Services” and Select “Manual Install”
    Scroll to the first box “Frequency” and type in on the remote control the frequency from the Lyngsat or Astra2D sites.
    Scroll to the second box “Symbol” and type in on the remote control the number from the Lyngsat or Astra2D sites.
    Scroll to the third box “Polar” and select either Vertical or Horizontal
    Scroll to the fourth box “Scan” and press the button on the remote with the left pointing arrow.
    Press Exit
    To see the channel list press “Chnl List”. To see list of non-Freesat channels press “swap”
    To delete a channel from the list.
    Select the channel then press button with right pointing arrow and type delete code “0000”

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,158 ✭✭✭John mac

    ooops :o didnt see Grundig :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 82 ✭✭delsutton2008

    The Grundig boxes use a different system to the Humaxes.

    Here's a step by step guide yoinked from:

    That's great. Thanks a million. I'll pass it onto my dad

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 355 ✭✭tadgh

    Has anyone got a similar guide to adding additional channells (eg CH. 5) to a Technomate 6900

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