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w32 Silly Virus

  • 17-11-2009 8:57pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 33

    Hey guys....

    Apologies if this has been already posted but had a search through it and couldn't find the topic anywhere!

    Story is three weeks ago had a project due so printed it in a print shop in town and to my horror picked up a virus!:( To cut a long story short put the USB into a college computer to identify what it was and there was a run file on it that would not delete. So scanned it and trojan horse was on it so deleted it. Emailed files and folders and put all on brand new USB to make sure it didn't occur again.

    So everything grand with my new shiny USB til yesterday! Practicing for a presentation when all of a sudden virus warnings started showing up and lo and behold all these foreign files on it! Is it possible it has something to do with three weeks ago incident and it was just laying dormant for this long? When logged onto college account today a virus called w32 Silly virus was quarantined and again is it possible that its from three weeks ago or am I just that unlucky!

    I am sorry if I sound really naive or uneducated in virus etc just curious as to why I am under attack!!!
