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New central heating system

  • 17-11-2009 8:16pm
    Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭

    I am installing a new central heating system in an old two story house. I'm being foolishly very brave and going to attempt to install it myself, well not the gas but everything else. I was wondering could a couple people help me out with a few questions, it'd be very much appreciated. The house is a large 3 bed and will have 8 rads in total.

    I've read a bit about the different systems and the pros and cons of each but I think a (I may get a lot of the terms wrong, my memory isn't so good) sealed combi system. This is because I am converting the attic in a year or so and don't want to have a hot water cylinder.

    I'm not sure if I can have the system I want but I'll explain it now. I want to have the combi boiler working from a heating control system that can have upstairs and downstairs as different zones. I also want to be able to regulate the temp of each room (I think this is by TRVs?). I also want to install a electric shower because as far as I understand the combi boiler will only do one or the other at once (eg if being used for domestic it won't be heating the rads). Can I put in a small header tank in the attic with a feed from the mains and and outlet to the electric shower...or maybe get an electric shower that will operate from mains feed?

    A few of the cons I read about are a bit worrying and I would like to hear other peoples opinions on them. I read that the pressure of the hot water can be pretty poor from the combi boiler unless there is a large pump in the boiler but sometimes this requires a larger mains water feed which some houses don't have, is this a realistic problem in this country?

    Can a flue from the boiler exit on the front of a house or is there any regulations for where it has to exit, heights, etc.?

    If all this sounds completely ridiculous can someone suggest another system to use?

    Thanks very much in advance!
