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St. Tiernan's CC Introductory Spins

  • 13-11-2009 12:19am
    Registered Users Posts: 3

    Hi All,
    St. Tiernan's Cycling Club Dundrum, Dublin has been running intro spins every Sunday since September. They will be continuing for the rest of December and into early January with the aim of migrating riders into our Saturday training spin.
    If you are thinking on riding events such as the W200, Sean Kelly or interested in getting involved in racing now is the time to start training.
    In addition to getting great training with a group we are involved in a club league, we ride events at home and abroad such as the E'tape, go on training weekends and attend pro tour races as day trips just to have a bit of craic.

    The introductory spins leave from Park Vale, Sandyford Road at 9:45am. If you are a more experienced rider and have completed events such as the W200 or Ring of Kerry etc before then our Saturday morning spins may be more appropriate for your fitness level.

    If you would like more information on how to get involved or if you would like to come out for a spin just to check us out visit our website at

    Or if you'd rather, contact me directly here on the forum.

    *Please note that we are a road cycling club and your bicycle must be a road/racing bike in road worthy condition. Helmets must be worn. Spare tubes and pump essential. Riders coming to introductory spins should have already built up a reasonable level of fitness.
