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Power tab/Guitar Tab Pro 5 convert?

  • 05-11-2009 10:43pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 138 ✭✭

    Hi guys,

    Does anyone know if its possible to take a drum sore from Power tab/Guitar Tab Pro 5 and use the midi in your audio sequencer for say BFD or Superior Drummer?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 203 ✭✭cerebis

    yeah I've done it with GP 5 and EZ drummer and Reaper...tis not too bad!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 138 ✭✭dfer

    cerebis wrote: »
    yeah I've done it with GP 5 and EZ drummer and Reaper...tis not too bad!

    Hi Cerebis,

    Cool, would you mind going into a little detail on how you done it please? I plan on tweaking the midi files anyway so i will only use it as a rough basic sturcture.

    Thanks for the reply

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 138 ✭✭dfer

    I got it working thanks

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,658 ✭✭✭Patricide

    Sorry to bump the thread but this is somthing i wouldnt mind knowing myself. At the moment im writing my drums on guitar pro 5 and then converting them to the midi standard of addictive drums by hand in guitar pro itself. Is there any software to do this automatically?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,070 ✭✭✭✭Malice

    Patricide wrote: »
    Sorry to bump the thread but this is somthing i wouldnt mind knowing myself. At the moment im writing my drums on guitar pro 5 and then converting them to the midi standard of addictive drums by hand in guitar pro itself. Is there any software to do this automatically?
    Funnily enough I'd never thought of doing exporting from Guitar Pro I saw this thread :) I find Guitar Pro can be quite fiddly with volume changes and other articulations like drum rolls so I normally just use Guitar Pro for doing up ideas on the guitar or bass. Any drum beats are usually pretty basic and only there to help me count ;).

    I'm not sure if this is what you're asking Patricide but I'll put it down here anyway:

    I'm using Guitar Pro 5.2, FL Studio 9 and the Drumkit from Hell expansion for EZDrummer for this.

    First off create your drum score in Guitar Pro. Here's a screenshot illustrating what I did. The GP5 file is attached to this post.


    Then, on the Guitar Pro main menu, select File->Export->MIDI and save your file somewhere that you can find it again.

    Fire up FL Studio or your sequencer of choice, select the EZDrummer VST and choose an empty pattern. From within the Piano Roll, choose File->Import MIDI File. You're on your own with other sequencers but the procedure shouldn't be too different to this.


    When you choose to import the file you can pick which track you want to import. Make sure to choose the correct one.


    Once it's imported the notes are mapped automatically to the corresponding drum sound so the snare is mapped to the snare and the hihat is mapped to the hihat etc. You'll probably have to play with the volume settings but the basic beat will be there anyway.

    Hope that helps. The GP5, MIDI and resulting MP3 are included in a zip file attached to this post.

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