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Girls Night Out - Dublin

  • 27-10-2009 8:59pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 2

    Hi All,

    First time poster here :)

    I'm a 27 year old female and in a few weeks my two older sisters (36 and 39) are coming to Dublin to visit me for the weekend. We're planning on going for dinner and then a bit of a dance around the handbags.

    Trouble is, I have absolutely no idea where to go as I very rarely go dancing anymore! I feel so old asking this but where is good to go on a Saturday night that plays a bit of everything except rubbishy (IMO) dance music? We're talking cheesy music, Beyonce, Britney, Flo Rida etc. Not my cup of tea but great to dance too with a few drinks!

    Dont want anywhere that's ridiculously expensive but really wanna show my sisters a good time as they're coming from Galway and Wexford and rarely come to visit.

    Any suggestions/info. much appreciated!!! :o
