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Shall there be an Ireland Tomorrow?

  • 25-10-2009 9:18am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 144 ✭✭

    Will there be an Ireland Tomorrow?
    With the Lisbon treaty referendum over some are calling the Yes result a victory for Finna Fail and Brian Cowen's leadership, but for many this is nothing further from the truth. Ireland is the Titanic on it's maiden voyage and the majority of its citizens know that the lifeboats have already been reserved for Ireland's property developers, financial elite and politicians, politicians who even if ousted in the next general election will have a very reasonable pension to somehow live off. For these voters their only possible hope of survival is that their neighbors row out and save them (ECB) and duly co-operating with Europe now potentially their only hope of survival.

    Ireland 's current economic predicament must bring questions of our government and its management of the 'Celtic Tiger economy' , with the knowledge that the Celtic tiger is now extinct and it's head is mounted on a wall gathering dust. The vast majority of Irish TD'S only experience or qualifications to lead our country's departments is the fact they have political lineage within their family and know how politics works upon these shores (Cowen and Coughlan to name just two) . That or they were previously a civil servant and know how the civil service operates . Yet on a practical, knowledge and management level these representatives will generally have little or no notion of how the department such as health or Enterprise which they are ultimately in charge function on anything more then an overview level. With the level of political fighting, power struggle, internal dealing, inexperience, red tape, and lack of any 'Big Picture' strategic leadership it is obvious from a business perspective that many government departments shall be largely ineffective, cumbersome, financially draining, black holes with little or no proactive oversight and have left us in a huge budget defeceit.

    TD'S also rely heavily on consultants who are paid fees to carry out almost every conceivable aspect in relation to the government - from public image to health service reform projects. But there can be absolutely no refuting or arguing that these consultants are constantly getting projects massively wrong. Since the 21st century began, practical every new innovative project or innitative by the Irish government have been an outstanding failure's - decentralisation, computerised payroll systems, medical cards, the port tunnel design, reforms in the health and prison service, electronic voting, public finance control, benchmarking, pension levy, and the bertie bowl to name just a few. These errors constantly feel like they were created by a school child on their way to school scribbling down their homework after forgetting to do it in advance. They were all conceived with no notion of how they would be practically implemented or introduced effectively which should of been the first aspect addressed.

    This lead's to NAMA, there shall only be two possible outcomes and the consultants who Mr lennihan so additamately believes in must get it right the first time around unlike all the other ' innovative' projects now scrapped by this government. The only problem is like all these other projects their shall be no reversal or going back on the decision possible by the government if NAMA goes wrong. The government has by and large already brought us down a one way road to which there is no going back, at this stage if NAMA is not introduced it shall lead to huge uncertainty in the Banking sector and undoubted lead to the collapse of at least a portion of our banking networks unless a secondary practical solution is introduced, or the Global economy improves to such an extent that Nama is no longer essential by the time of it's introduction.

    NAMA shall either work based on an improvement in the global economy helping Ireland's small open based market to strengthen and property markets both domestically and internationally improving, with the potential of NAMA to break even. Or Nama shall fail miserable, property prices shall continue to fall and loans will be reneighed on leading to a national debt of €20 - €30 billion which shall take generations to repay and make Ireland the begging cap in hand, pauper of Europe once again - wiping out 50 years of previous economic advancement through one government decision.

    Right now more then ever before Ireland needs leaders and visionary's of tomorrow who our citizens believe in and shall follow and not a party who is so deluded and self centered it still believes it's poor ratings are due to the hard decisions it has made. The record of almost constant incompetency has left Irelands citizens no other option but to doubt this government, a constant stream of poor decisions and mismanagement issues of the past being brought to light on an almost daily basis. If we are the Titanic are captain is to busy arguing with every other crew member that he took the correct course rather then trying to save passengers or save the ship. For the first time in generations we need unity, innovation, teamwork, leadership and strength but instead we must witness all our political parties constantly Squibbing during dail sessions like children in the playground fighting over who should pick the game being played, or who pulled whose hair .

    Ireland shall not survive unless we begin to think strategical and once again believe in this Nation. We must unite, have pride, support our nation and each other - or doom Ireland and our children to generation's within the wilderness both politically and economically.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,185 ✭✭✭asdasd

    It's will, not shall.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,376 ✭✭✭ei.sdraob

    will "shall" find out in 23 hours

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 144 ✭✭pedroj

    Happy now Asdasda :P anyway wrote this just letting off some steam...not as an English leaving certificate paper ..and I believe shall is actually correct too it's just it's old English grammar rather then modern (Not too sure English was never my favourite subject :P)

  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭puffdragon

    Ok so you've just described the water,maybe tomorrow you will I hope try something else as well as posting on this site,those that read your thoughts here can as you have seen be very juvenile in their response and ultimately this can be off-putting and annoying,
    People with spirit should air their opinions elsewhere where it will do more good and a rant it may be but unfortunately true I'm sad to say.

    I do the same myself but if I stopped at Boards I would be like a tree falling in a forest,take this opinion and make your local councillors aware of it and I would be delighted to hear what responses you get from them,

    And to answer your question:Yes there will be an Ireland Tomorrow, my confidence in that statement comes from having grown up in a large family who have seen worse times financially and have come through al-right,essentially we are a spoiled nation which has become accustomed to sucking on the teat of Europe,,

    But as the information technology slowly catches up on the corrupt politicians and we can follow their every move then we will regain some vestige of trust in our political system , when individuals like me and you can start to make a difference by using that technology to communicate and then taking action on a local level and change our environment, when Irish people realise that the only thing you have left after the money is gone is self respect then we will get our country back!!

    I intend to continue to fight this government which I believe to be beyond saving and which should be quietly asked to leave as they have become (through no fault of their own individually) corrupt to the core,

    I don't trust them to restore Ireland's pride as they are currently involved in decisions which will sell off our children's most valuable assets to Europe and condemning us into debt for generations to come, I can only pray that the Czech president can hold fast to his conscience and not sign the Lisbon treaty,

    As far as NAMA is concerned we need to be very carefull of not so much the government who we know are only pandering to their wealthy friends, but the opposition(I use the word lightly) who for a greater extent are only providing a smoke screen for any onlookers or undecided s to make them think that there is some struggle going on,

    No I dont despair for Ireland because history is a cruel master and when these men and women of our government finally realise the gravity of their wrongdoing and ordinary Irish people stand up and be counted then the land of a thousand welcomes will return.
