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what defines a good read

  • 20-10-2009 11:15pm
    Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭

    Hi all, just wanted to talk about (and maybe get some good recommends) books that you all felt were a real departure from the norm and are pretty original and creative stories....

    I got to thinking about how a lot of fantasy/ sci-fi out there can be pretty formulaic (standard arthurian legend rip-off or battle for the galaxy type stuff) and how you really have to sift to find the good gems.

    I re-read a set of Tad Williams that I have some time back (his earliest, the memory , sorrow and thorn books and it's pretty standard in plot i.e. quest for maigical object, a hidden king, elves, etc:)) but I enjoy his writing and the story was well played out and contrasted that to his War of the Flowers that was a really original plot/ idea imho and so good i always recommend it to people. Or take the way Peter F. Hamilton never fails to impress me, but I find Stephen Baxter very ho-hum and am still undecided about Kevin J Anderson e.g his saga of the seven suns which i found ok, but predictable at times......

    What kind of originality do you enjoy? I mean, do you like a standard story taken to new heights, or something really different?

    Or is it better the story is predictable but the sub-plots and writing style are engaging and skillful or is it better the story is something new even though the writing may be kind of poor?


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    Right now, anything which has a good pace, not as in things being fast paced but just paced well, so that none of the sections overstay their welcome or are too short. In addition, interesting non cliched characters who I can relate to and original themes and plot ideas which don't fall back on the hackneyed evil aliens plan end of the universe trop.
