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How to swing news coverage like this?

  • 20-10-2009 2:56pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,682 ✭✭✭

    So I'm in England at the moment, and on the BBC news last night they had a report on Amazon's Kindle product, an e-reader for digital books.

    Then browsing the RTE site this afternoon I see that RTE also ran a pretty similar report on the product last night too!

    (See: under 'Reading Revolution?' for video)

    I thought it was pretty interesting how Amazon swung spots on the national broadcasters' primetime news in both countries. These spots, some counter-opinion aside, basically serve as priceless 2-3 minute ads for the Kindle.

    How do news/press choose what to cover and what not to? The kindle isn't the first e-reader on the market, it's not particularly a large step forward in the market, so what brings news orgs like BBC and RTE to give them this kind of coverage?

    Brand name? (That doesn't seem to be it on its own given Sony's e-reader didn't recieve similar attention on launch). Contacts? Executive access? Slow news day?

    Sorry if this seems like a simplistic topic, but I'm sometimes puzzled about how the media choose to cover which products like this. It seems like a massive advantage for those special chosen ones.
