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Frequency change on Free to air channels

  • 16-10-2009 6:47am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 6

    I noticed yesterday a number of channels had gone missing from my free to air satellite box.
    I went through a preprogrammed box and found about 6 channels were missing:
    • Film24
    • ITV2+1
    • Men & Motors
    • Zone Thriller
    • World Movies
    • france 24
    • Channel U
    I went to and checked out to see what had happened and indeed a number of channels had changed frequency.
    To tune these channels back in the following codes are given.
    Channel Tuning Data
    • Film24 11.585 GHz H 27500
    • ITV2+1 10.891 GHz H 22000
    • Men & Motors 10.891 GHz H 22000
    • Zone Thriller 12.560 GHz V 27500
    • World Movies 12.643 GHz V 27500
    • france 24 11.662 GHz H 27500
    Channel U seems to have disappeared without a trace and I can’t find it listed

    To tune these channels back on a Triax Free to air satellite receiver – but it is the same basic procedure for all FTA boxes.:
    How To Manually Tune in a Satellite Channel
    1.Press ‘Menu’ button
    2.Scroll down and select ‘Installation’ option
    3.Enter Password ‘0000′
    4.Select ‘TP Scan’
    5.Type in Frequency, Polarity, Symbol and Specify ‘Free’ Channels only
    6.Select ‘Search’
    7.Additional channels are added to the end of the channel list.
    8.Exit out of installation menu and check new list and sort as desired.

    Some of the channels like France 24 did not come back, but they are still on my sky box with or without the card so I am not sure what is happening there.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 961 ✭✭✭Rippy

    World Movies has gone a couple of weeks now . Just a high pitched audio carrier there. :(

    France 24 should be there alright . Have it on Technomate and Mvision.

    I always use Lyngsat for frequencies

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,162 ✭✭✭von Smallhausen

    Channel U has been remaned AKA just incase you missed it...happened months ago.
