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  • 14-10-2009 1:26pm
    Registered Users Posts: 385 ✭✭

    Stephen Owens from IFS Northern Ireland returned home from the quality Fight Ikon event in Bolton at the weekend with a 3rd round Victory with a Rear naked choke against a very tough Muay Thai / MMA fighter from Salford Fight Factory called Mark Stockton.

    Fight Ikon is one of Englands quality ISKA sanctioned shows ran by Darren Sherlock and had an abundance of veteran MMA veterans and experienced UK MMA and Muay Thai names such as Lee Hasdell, Marc Woodard, Sandy Holt to name a few.

    The event was extremely well run and very professional – with us being the only Irish team on the card and fighting one of the local lads we were expecting a hostile reception from Fighters and spectators but to our surprise were treated extremely well. The crowd lifted the roof off for their local lad Mark Stockton but supported Stephen and the IFS team coming to the cage – there was not one boo or jeer and support was shown to him from the crowd who obviously knew the hard work it takes to step in there.

    They were also applauding on Stephens victory and congratulating us all night – this has stuck in my head since the event and I thought I would report back the respect shown to us by the English fighters and spectators, this for us made the weekend even better and shown us MMA is really evolving in a positive manor!

    We will be bringing a few of the English lads over to the next Clan Wars event in Cookstown and I hope the Irish fans are as respectful to them as they were to us!

    MMA is developing rapidly on a professional scale and I think each and everyone of us as coaches, fighters, clubs and fans have a duty to educate the importance of spectator respect for the continued growth of the sport and leave behind the stereotypes of old!
