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Lan question

  • 08-10-2009 4:52pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,034 ✭✭✭

    If I had two Pc towers with two NIC cards, is it straight forward enough to hook them both up with a long Ethernet cable..? A mate of mine wants to play a game or two over a lan, using these two pc's...

    What else would he have to do?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,089 ✭✭✭cpu-dude

    mad m wrote: »
    If I had two Pc towers with two NIC cards, is it straight forward enough to hook them both up with a long Ethernet cable..? A mate of mine wants to play a game or two over a lan, using these two pc's...

    What else would he have to do?

    I prefer to have a router between two or more computers but you can connect them with an Ethernet Crossover Cable.

    Just make sure that both PC's have the same WORKGROUP name so they can recognise each other.
    Step 1

    Shut down both computers.
    Step 2

    Plug one end of the crossover cable into one computer's Ethernet card, and the other end, into the other computer's card. It doesn't matter which end goes to which PC.
    Step 3

    Turn on both computers.
    Step 4

    Run the network setup wizard on both computers. If you plan to connect both computers to the Internet, have the main computer on the Internet as you run the setup. To get to the wizard, click "Start," then "Network Place," and finally "Set up a home or small office network." Restart both computers after the wizard is complete on each.
    Step 5

    Set the computers to the same work group. It is likely that your computers will work fine after Step 4, but if not, you may need to set them to the same work group. Right-click "My Computer," then click "Properties," and then on the "Computer Name" tab. There should be a work group name listed here: remember it. Now go to the other computer and go to the same "Computer Name" menu and click on "Change." In the field provided enter the name of the work group that was there on the first computer, and click "OK" to apply the changes. After the work group is changed, restart both computers again.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,034 ✭✭✭mad m

    Really appreciate that advice.....Thanks ^^
