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PS3 and UPC Wireless BB

  • 08-10-2009 12:01pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,817 ✭✭✭


    I know there are threads on this but I can't find the exact config I'm looking for.

    Could someone be so kind as to post the steps for setting up the PS3 with UPC wireless broadband.

    I take the Easy and the Custom options in Network Settings but either won't let me connect.

    Do I pick WPA or WEP when I get this far and where do I get the code required?

    Is the IP address the same as the one the laptop is connected to?

    If anyone has theirs set up already, I'd appeciate any help with this.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,232 ✭✭✭ferrigan101

    You should choose easy, then everything should go smooth for you, with UPC your security settings should be wpa and it should be your account number iirc.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,900 Mod ✭✭✭✭F1ngers

    bantee wrote: »
    Could someone be so kind as to post the steps for setting up the PS3 with UPC wireless broadband.
    1. On PS3, go to Settings > Network Settings
    2. Go to Internet Connection Settings
    3. Then, > Easy, >Wireless, > Scan
    4. Choose your SSID, > WLAN Security Setting, > Enter your WPA Key(network1 for UPC)
    5. Save and Test Connection.
    Do I pick WPA or WEP when I get this far and where do I get the code required?

    You choose WPA and default password is network1 for UPC.
    Is the IP address the same as the one the laptop is connected to?

    You should get an individual IP address for all connections to network.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,817 ✭✭✭bantee

    F1ngers wrote: »
    1. On PS3, go to Settings > Network Settings
    2. Go to Internet Connection Settings
    3. Then, > Easy, >Wireless, > Scan
    4. Choose your SSID, > WLAN Security Setting, > Enter your WPA Key(network1 for UPC)
    5. Save and Test Connection.

    You choose WPA and default password is network1 for UPC.

    You should get an individual IP address for all connections to network.

    Ok I can get as far as the step of IP address setting which I should select automatic?
    Then the set DHCP host name: Do not set
    DNS Setting: Automatic
    MTU: Automatic
    Proxy server: Do not use
    UPnP: Enable

    Then I test connection and it times out?

    Am I doing each step correct?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23 wedgess21

    your network password n user name will b on your router homepage check the back of ur router there should be the address r number there n type it in to ur internet browser it will tell u what ur password is then n wether ur network is protected wep r wpa seen as ur ip address is timing out this may be the problem everything else you are doing is the rite way n upc should be the best bb to use u shud get nat2

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,900 Mod ✭✭✭✭F1ngers

    bantee wrote: »
    Ok I can get as far as the step of IP address setting which I should select automatic?
    Then the set DHCP host name: Do not set
    DNS Setting: Automatic
    MTU: Automatic
    Proxy server: Do not use
    UPnP: Enable

    You are doing it differently than what I stated above, but you are selecting the right settings.

    If you want, you can select Manual for IP address setting, and then input the IP yourself, ***.***.***.10<that number there, make it about 10 or so as it is very unlikely that you will have 9 other things connected to your router.
    bantee wrote: »
    Then I test connection and it times out?

    When does it time out?
    Are you getting an error message?

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