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Student market

  • 01-10-2009 10:23pm
    Registered Users Posts: 43

    I have a good idea (well, i didn't come up with it my self), on how to reach student market. i am thinking of starting doing it in Dublin... And later maby expand to other parts of Ireland.

    So what I wanted to find ous is, if students is sought after market in Dublin? Is it worthwile starting that sort of advertising service? Or businesses in Dublin discards students, as not a greay market to target?

    Any opinions on this much appreciated.

    Sorry, but at this time I wont be able to reveal the idea that im thinking of, due to it being new in Ireland.

    Again.. any help much appreciated!


  • Registered Users Posts: 169 ✭✭nuttlys

    A - generally no, the only company's that would advertise to students are companies that 1) want to hire them 2) want them to drink at their establishment 3) want them to go on J1s.

    That said if you have a super-duper advertising idea give it a shot, what's to lose?

    I will warn you though that most if not all student advertising tactics have been adopted from the states. Therefore if you think that you've spotted an idea there or anywhere else which you don't see here, doesn't necessarily mean it hasn't already been tried.

    Because you won't let us know what the idea is, your just gonna have to go figure out who your customers (i.e. paying companies) are first and work from there.

  • Company Representative Posts: 103 Verified rep Derek

    check out, they have been around for maybe ten years and are doing well. Apart from the site, they provide a lot of promo stuff in the college campuses. Pairic, who runs it, is a really good guy. Could there be a partnership potential for you?

    Banks are a big spender in this market as when they get a student to set up an account, something like 70% of students will stay with them for life.

    Other big spenders are the mobile companies, brewers, contraception companies and confectionery.

    I think the market is about 120k 3rd level students (not fully sure)

    It is a good market to target as you know who the colleges are, so it is a big help if rolling out somthing either through the college itself or via the student union. And there is something like 30 or so 3rd level colleges worth pursuing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 galdikas

    to nuttlys, well I didnt spot it in united states, I am not even sure if it ever been tryed in US. I was trying to google information about it, but didnt find anything, appart one country where it actually was implemented. Well I would like to share that idea, but I hope you understand why I can't.

    By the way, your first point about hiring is very good. That would be the most effective way hiring students that I can think of, cause you can target particular university, according to what proffesion someone is looking for.

    to derek, yeah I was mainly thinking about banks, brewers, confectionery (aswell as suggested by nuttlys various entertainment establishments like bars, night clubs etc.) Well contraception companies can be good aswell I guess. Just you have to be carefull, you dont want to start advertising that stuff in some religious college....

    120k students? You talking about Dublin alone, or whole Ireland? Because I was thinking of around 50k students, and still thought of my idea as worthwhile. If it's 120k, its definately worthwhile.

    Thanks for the, I will probably contact them

    any more opinions on this welcome. Thanks for nuttlys and derekme for sharing theirs!

  • Company Representative Posts: 103 Verified rep Derek

    according to IMJ, it was 170k in '08 :)

    usi should have a more up to date figure

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 galdikas

    Well, it wasn't some figure that I got from somewhere.. :D It was more like a wild guess...

    Anyway, is it 170k in Dublin, or all over Ireland?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 43 galdikas

    By the way... Just find out what IMJ is :D it looks like handy thing, is it any good? Is it worth to spend 160 for subscription?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,218 ✭✭✭padocon

    Im not quite sure I understand what the OP is asking :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 galdikas

    Well, I am just asking is IMJ (irish marketing journal) subscription is worth the 160euros...

    Well anyway, lets keep it on topic, anymore opinions about student market in Dublin?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,472 ✭✭✭AdMMM

    if students is sought after market in Dublin?
    Is it worthwile starting that sort of advertising service?
    If it costs more than it earns in revenue, then no.
    Or businesses in Dublin discards students, as not a greay market to target?

    I know a shop on the Quays that sells second hand clothes to old women - they don't regard students as a great market. On the other hand, I know of a Bank that's desperate for new potential long-term customers who headhunt the students!

    Seriously, too many people come on here looking for opinions and ready-made marketing plans while providing next to no information. I understand people wanting to keep their next big thing under wraps but if you give bad information, you're going to get bad advice. Simple as.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 galdikas

    Well, ready made marketing plan is not what I'm looking for. Infact, that what I am trying to create at the moment. And I really put in a lot of time into it, and don't want to reveal it just yet. Yeah, I admit that I am looking for other people opinions, but that is what these forums is there afterall.

    And i certainly think that I've provided enough info. Because everyone so far, including you AdMMM, left really helpfull info.

    By the way AsMMM, your orginal post, that I received in my e-mail, included the following:

    Need more details. Although it's a very saturated market.

    What did you meant by saturated? Don't get me wrong, I know what market saturation is, what I mean that every single year student community changes. Old people go, new people come. Aswell main bussiness targeting students would be entertainment venues, which I wouldnt say would be a saturated niche. Since they offer service, not product. And it is easy for student to change place, where he's going to drink on weekend. That is if he's given a good reason.

    Aswell banks, as derekme mentioned 70% of students, will stay with his bank for life. So thousands of new students coming every year. Most of them will probably need a bank account set up.

    And this in my opinion applies to any market(be it mobile network, stationery retailer, airlines etc...), when it comes to students. Because in my view, that one of the things making student market attractive, is that it is ever changing community of young people.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,472 ✭✭✭AdMMM

    College campuses are inundated with promotions every day of the year for all manner of products. Be it reps promoting music venues or pubs to free products and trial offers. There's a lot of competition amongst companies to provide the best promotions to students, although your niche would be that there's not much competition amongst companies finding people to run these promotions.

    If I were to just have a guess at what your angling towards it would be a rep database where people approach you and you recruit reps?

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 galdikas

    Oh, I see what you mean. But that doesnt mean, that market is saturated. Especially when it comes to music venues and pubs. I just don't see how saturation would work in it.

    Nope, that wouldn't be it. It doesn't include any reps, or anything like it. It would be more like students themselves approaching me (well my service), and getting to see the advertisement material. I am actually dying to spit it out there in forums, just to see what other people think. But this is really bussines, which only has place for one player. And if youre not the first one, there would not be a chance for second one. So I don't want someone borrowing my plan! Hope you understand

    And what do you mean, with that rep database? Like setting up database, of reps for different businesses, and then people come looking for reps? Did i get it wrong?

  • Company Representative Posts: 103 Verified rep Derek

    So there is new idea!!

    170k is ROI

    BTW, if it is to do with discounts etc, there is a lot of competition in this area. Looked at the busienss myself many years ago, but alas got distracted!! Wish I hadn't as it was back in 2002


    But as with most businesses, there are angles to do it better

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 galdikas

    Well the discount/loyalty cards, basically is like a rep database. By holding a card, you normally know to what discounts you're entitled. And it can be hard alright to make people change theyre minds about them I suppose.

    There's idea I suppose of different angle:

    Why not to create a discount card, not specifically for students but for basically anyone, who would be willing to use it. They could pick it up for free, if they enter some basic details (age, occupation, interests, some contact details (phone/e-mail or whatever they prefer to contacted by)). This would create a big database of people, divided by interests, age or whatever.
    By picking up card, they agree to receive information, and by providing theyre details, they are assured that they receive relevant information. So then, any bussines can get onto you, and say what group of people they want to target.
    You filter his specifications through your database, and get all relevant people, and send out theyre value message either on phone txt, or e-mail...
    Ofcourse there could be a website set up aswell, so than any othe people could stumble up on the discounts offered, and then sign up for that card.
    Would this be already tryed at Ireland?

    I tryed reading my post, it could be a little complicated, but i hope you understand what I mean.
