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Reconfiguring proxy settings newman building

  • 29-09-2009 7:49pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 334 ✭✭

    Does anyone know how to reconfigure proxy settings in firefox so that sites other than UCD related ones work in the Newman building and the library etc.I am using Vista btw


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 485 ✭✭AlanSparrowhawk

    from ucd website

    For Firefox
    Go to Tools / Options / General or / Tools / General / Network (Depending on the version of Firefox)
    Go to Connections / Connection settings
    Click option to 'Auto-detect proxy settings for this network'
    Click 'OK' twice to return to your browser
    If this does not work with your laptop, choose 'Use Automatic proxy configuation URL' and enter

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,112 ✭✭✭✭bnt

    If the automatic proxy settings don't take, set it manually: port 8484.

    You are the type of what the age is searching for, and what it is afraid it has found. I am so glad that you have never done anything, never carved a statue, or painted a picture, or produced anything outside of yourself! Life has been your art. You have set yourself to music. Your days are your sonnets.

    ―Oscar Wilde predicting Social Media, in The Picture of Dorian Gray

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 334 ✭✭meathawk

    Thanks I stupidly didn't realize there was a similar thread.Thanks again
