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File names > Word documents

  • 09-09-2009 6:41pm
    Posts: 14,266 ✭✭✭✭

    Hey all,

    Just wondering if anyone can tell me, is there any way I can get the names of all my folders in a certain place, turned into a word document, without having to resort to typing out the name of every folder one by one?

    I know its a bit odd, and I doub't there's an easy way out, but I'd really rather not have to type all folder names out if i can avoid it.

    Cheers :)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 160 ✭✭TeaServer

    Its easy to put a list together in a text file. You can then save the text file as a word doc.

    Press Windows Key and R
    In the Run dialog type 'cmd' and press return (no quotes)
    Change to the desired location that you want to list the directories using 'cd' eg cd C:\KKV\Music
    dir /A:D /B > my_list.txt
    Now you will have a text file called my_list.txt in the same location with a list of all your directories.


  • Posts: 14,266 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Took a little messing around, but I got it. Thanks a lot! :)
