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The farmer's three daughters

  • 28-08-2009 3:58pm
    Registered Users Posts: 717 ✭✭✭

    A farmer had 3 young daughters. The daughters told their dad that they were going on a date this particular day. The dad sat on his rocking chair on the front porch of his house waiting for the men to arrive. He was very protective of his daughters, so much so that he had a shotgun by his side.

    The first date arrives. "Hi my name is Joe, I'm here for Flo, we're going to see a show, is she ready to go?"

    The daughter leaves with the first guy.

    Second guy arrives. "Hi my name is Eddie, I'm here for Betty, we're going to eat some spaghetti, is she ready?"

    2nd daughter and 2nd guy head off.

    The third date arrives and announces "My name is Chuck". The father shoots him straight away!
