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Are the search engines spying on SEO's?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,713 ✭✭✭Bonavox

    Why do some people put discuss after a post? It's a forum, of course we're going to discuss! That's like putting a keyboard on front of someone and telling them to type.

    Sounds like crap

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭gypsy777

    If search engines have got any sense then of course they are going to spy on SEO forums and the likes. There job is to provide relevant results for users so figuring out how SEOs are ranking sites, particularly spammy sites is going to be high on the agenda.

    Now I know thats stating the obvious but the other thing Id like to mention is the whole reciprical links and link networks. Not once in the history of the internet has a link network or people that go mad with recipirical linking ever had any sort of shelf life.

    They will inevitably get caught and mass deindexing will occur. History has proven it. In fact I have it on a very reliable source the google is about to do a massive clamp down on sites that have gone mad on recipirical links much like we saw a few years ago.

    Remember if you have read google webmaster guidelines the only form of linking building it recognises is submitting your website url to contextually relevant website directories. Everything else is against their TOS. This being the case because their model for ranking is based on the links a site has been given by another webmaster that believes the site to be noteworthy and worth sharing which we all of course know never really happens without some ridonkulous link baiting technique.

    This can make you paranoid but remember google cant really go around penalising sites for bad link habits that a competitor could have inflicted on to your site so submitting your website to 2000 web directories in a week cant really get you banned otherwise SEOs could just focus on doing this to competitors sites and watch them drop like flies.

    I would be happy for a competitor to try this on me. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 RedMaxP

    <quote>Remember if you have read google webmaster guidelines the only form of linking building it recognises is submitting your website url to contextually relevant website directories. Everything else is against their TOS. This being the case because their model for ranking is based on the links a site has been given by another webmaster that believes the site to be noteworthy and worth sharing which we all of course know never really happens without some ridonkulous link baiting technique.</quote>

    I would like to ask if anyone thinks Google is changing or being more selective with directory submissions. We have hundreds of directory inbound links that where recognised by Google until the middle of June. Now some two thirds of these indexes are missing from Google webmaster tools, however they are still visible when looking in SiteExplorer? Any thoughts much appreciated!

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭gypsy777

    I'd say google is clamping down on low quality links. A lot of directories are now getting viewed as spam sites, hence some links no longer get counted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 RedMaxP

    Thanks. Is there any worth in outsourcing link building, if so is anyone aware of any company that does more than get directory links?

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