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Tom Colton events in Tralee, Listowel, Castleisland & Killarney

  • 11-08-2009 12:00pm
    Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭

    Hi Everyone,

    Tom Colton has a few events coming in Kerry that people might be interested. He is hosting events for four consecutive nights during the first week in September in Tralee, Listowel, Castleisland & Killarney.

    Tom is well known as 'Ireland's Medium' from his radio and television appearances; he's undertaking the first national tour of Ireland by an Irish medium, called the 'Feel Spirit Tour' where he is hosting 50 dates nationally.

    He's at the Manor West Hotel, Tralee on Tuesday 1st September;
    the Listowel Arms Hotel, Listowel on Wednesday 2nd September; the River Island Hotel, Castleisland, 3rd September and he ends the week in the Kilarney Avenue Hotel, Kilarney on Friday 4th September,

    He's then heading off to the Silver Springs Moran Hotel, Cork, on Saturday 5th September.

    All tickets are only €20 with a 7.30pm for 8pm start. For further details please see or call 0862657171.

    Best regards,

