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Quarryman Sprint Triathlon



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123


    Anyone signed up for this? Bike route should be a fast one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,790 ✭✭✭griffin100

    I've signed up. Looking forward to it as it looks like a nice course. Hoping to do a decent time in what will probably be my last tri of the year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    griffin100 wrote: »
    I've signed up. Looking forward to it as it looks like a nice course. Hoping to do a decent time in what will probably be my last tri of the year.

    Same here, last for the year so hope its a good one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,090 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    I'm signed up too as well as two or three friends. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm from Meath so as soon as they announced a race earlier in the year i was anxiously waiting on entry to open. As far as i know its a sellout too (160 entries) as they said they only had 15 spaces left earlier this week. I'm glad too its a slightly longer than usual bike as that's my strong point. Hopefully i can keep track of the run laps though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    Ah ****, looks like I won't be doing it then.. note to self enter earlier :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,090 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    i dont know if its officially full, just from what they said in the email earlier in the week it seemed it would be very soon. have you tried entering?

    it still has the application form up so it might be worth trying!

  • Registered Users Posts: 721 ✭✭✭Highway_To_Hell

    It's full, just tried to register :-) would have been an nice last outing before concentrating on the Dublin City Marathon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,090 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Im hoping they release an entry list before it. would be great to see who's in it and what the standard might be like.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,188 ✭✭✭Andrewf20

    Yep, ill be there. Cant wait.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 ironjack

    Would love to do quarryman tri but didnt get my entry in on time just wonderin if anyone has a spare entry theyd like to transfer ???

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 92 ✭✭Jason_77

    Hey folks,

    Anyone out there not using their quarry man entry?

    PM me if you have one, I would like to take part.



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,090 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    everyone all set for the weekend? Missed last week due to injury so it hasn't been the best of build ups but still looking forward to it. Does anyone know if its a free for all transition and have any details of wave breakdown been released yet? I haven't noticed any myself and hoping im in wave 1!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    I cycled Summerhill to Kilcock on Saturday morning... never noticed how exposed it was before, wind was a killer but the surface makes up for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,090 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    At the moment the weather forecast is looking good:
    Saturday will be dry with variable cloud amounts but sunny spells expected in all areas and winds will be light. Top afternoon temperatures will be typically in the high teens 17 to 19 degrees C. Winds will be very light or calm by night leading to cool, misty foggy conditions at night and in the early mornings, minima typically of 5 to 8 degrees.

    I know its not to be trusted but we can live in hope. Its my last race of the year so it would be nice to get some good weather for it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,090 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    What a day! Weather and course could not have been better. Arrived down in lots of time, registered and got ready to go! I was a little anxious to see the first 300m of the bike was on mats due to loose gravel underneath! Luckily that didnt prove an issue and held up well.

    The swim went good enough. I have not been training lately due to a fall at DCT so the swimming was a little off but i was happy to hear a marshall say i was 10th as i got out of the water. I've found all year that my transition is one part of the race i'm quite good at and i made a few more places here.

    Out onto the bike and up the initial hill. Most of the course was fast with sections of rolling hills but nothing major. About 1/4 the way through and after passing 1 or 2 i soon realised the leader was ahead as i saw the lead Garda bike leading the way. I knew i had had a good transition but i didn't think i'd make up about 6 or 7 places!! So just as i was about to take the lead a P3C with a lovely sounding disk came out of no where and stormed past me and the leader. I then also overtook the guy who had led but i couldnt keep with the P3C. At the turnaround (12.5km) i was about 50 seconds down and knew i'd have to dig deep to limit the gap knowing there was only a 5km run to come. So without going too much into the red i battled on but found the leader coming back from transition on his run as i came in on the mats on my bike. He had about 2 mins on me and while i wasnt resigned to 2nd i knew it would take a very strong run to catch him!

    T2 went fine and so it was to the chase. Running is something i am really goig to focus on this winter but i still felt comfortabel and wasnt looking over my shoulder for 3rd a all and was very motivated to give chase. The run went back out along the mats and then up the initial hill which really was a killer to run. We took a left and ran a further 500m or so and into another left at which point i just about saw the leader about 400/500m ahead. The run eventually took us along another few lefts, up and over small hills and finally past the finishing shoot and transition. It was a 3 lap race. So lap 2 i knew was going to be an important one so i pushed the heart rate a little more without going too far. I decided that i would attack the climb as the leader was slightly larger than i and i felt he'd struggle more than me. As i came past the finish and into lap 2 of 3 i realised i was gaining and now i could see him about 100m ahead. The course was now much busier as people took to their run and i decided to remain anonymous amongst them. I fought my way to the shoulder of the leader at the top of the larger climb and decided I'd sit behind him to recover. As we rolled over some smaller climbs and back down i noticed his breathing was heavy and he was finding the hills tough. That said he was having no trouble descending and thus i felt i couldn't attack too far out or on any descent. I decided a sprint finish would be best so i sat behind him and just prayed that 3rd/4th and 5th etc were far enough back.

    So we finally came to the final leg and i decided i'd take him on as we went finished the descent of the final small hill. I still felt he had the advantage running down the hills so i waited until the final descent was over and made my sprint with about 200m to go. I never thought i'd ever have to contemplate such "tactics" and was delighted to see that i had no problem sprinting and he hadn't the legs to follow. Still chuffed to get 1st. I knew with Kenmare/Loughrea this weekend that i would have a chance of a good placing but never thought 1st was on the cards.

    Tri an Mhi did a fantastic job and had prizes for the winners of all age categories and 1 - 3 overall which i thought was a nice touch. Got well fed too which is always welcome!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,188 ✭✭✭Andrewf20

    Many congrats Bambaata. Id say theres nothing better than a hard fought win. :)

    I found the event tough going. Enjoyed the swim even though its by far my weakest discipline. T1 was not incident free as usual, this time my bloody wet suit wouldnt clear my timing chip, so it was an absolute pain to get off. Cycle was fine, but I didnt overtake as many as id hoped, so it was a fairly lonely 25km. T2, no issues, but run was an aboslute pain. The hill coming out of the main gate was a nightmare. I started getting pains in my lower back and sides on lap2. 1:42:37 which was way slower than I predicted, probably due to the hills and heat.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,378 ✭✭✭asimonov

    Congrats on your win bambaata, sounds like you got your race tactics perfect. Great stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,790 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Firstly I have to congratulate Tri An Mhi on what was one of the best run events I've been to this year. Everything was just about perfect - the weather, the venue, the course (tough enough I thought - more below), loads of marshals at every stage of the course, great atmosphere and a decent goody bag and t-shirt. The first and last bit of the bike course over the covered gravel was interesting but the mats held up really well so there was no big issue. Given that this was your first year of holding an event I have to say well done. This was an example to any club consdiering their first event on how to do it properly.

    Congrats to Bambatta on a good win. Seems like you've been knocking on the door of a win for a while from your previous posts so well done. On the start of my run the announcer mentioned that the lead runner was so far ahead of the second place runner that he was not going to get caught so well done on running him down!!

    I went into the race hoping for a time around 1.28ish / hoping to finish in the top third of the field as this would be a good result for me but things didn't work out like that.....

    The swim was nice - loads of room due to to two waves but the water was cold. T1 ok. Bike a disaster, had gear problems, every time I got out of the saddle or dropped down into the smaller cogs the chain slipped. Also seemed to have no energy in the legs at all. I reckon I didn't allow myself to recover properly after the Eireman Half. Good to see little or no drafting on the course. Got passed by one or two, passed one or two but spent most of the ride on my own. I thought the course was tough enough with a one or two hills. T2 no probs and out onto that hill.....I've never seen runners walking so early in the run leg of a tri. Passed a good few on the run, got passed by one or two, but again seemed to have no power in the legs.

    Finished in 1.42 which was almost 15 minutes off my target time......felt a bit better this morning following an e-mail which places me 15th in my age group and actually just a few places outside my hoped for first third of the field finish (assuming 160 competitors), although we'ill see later today when the results go up how many were actually in my age group!!!!

    Will definitely do again next year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,090 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    thanks guys. as a side the trun was also a little long. My GPS had it at 5.75 but i didn't turn it off right at the line so it was possibly about 5.7. That hill really was a killer but it helped me i think as the then leader struggled up it more than i did. the marshalls really were great too and there were loads of them. i think i saw one at every junction on the bike route and a few were giving great support. I was chatting to one of the organisers after and he said they could have sold double the amount of entries but they did the right thing on focusing on a small race to get their first race under their belt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5 sallinspark

    Congrats Bambaata, you executed an excellent race plan by adapting to what was in front of you on the day. This was my first triathlon, so I was not surprised to finish at the other end of the entry list to you;), but I am just glad that I finished nonetheless.:D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,051 ✭✭✭MCOS

    Can't believe I missed this thread but just saw on TI site...

    Bambaata well done!!!!!!! Delighted for you!! What a great feeling to win your first tri at the end of the season.

    Lads, I've bumped into Bambaata at various races this season (usually him passing me on the bike with a friendly yell!) and it couldn't come to a nicer guy.

    Chuffed to bits for you. Really really well done. You must be on some high. Could be taking on the big boys next season!


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,090 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Oh jesus i've just seen the photo!! :P

    Cheers MCOS. I was a fantastic feeling alright. I never thought i'd get the chance to win a race but i don't know about taking on the big boys. It has certainly given me the motivation to put some real structure to my training. This year was a huge learning experience as it was the first time i properly (and i use that term very loosely) trained for something. I didn't exactly take things 100% seriously and my training was about 70% junk miles but i have learned loads and it will only help me next year. Pity its so far away :-( but it will give me a decent amount of time to use what i've learned and to formulate a real training plan. I've also decided i'm going to start a training log here for next season and hopefully that will help when the motivation lacks slightly. I will start logging around the start of October/early November, once ive read Joe Friel another few times and decide what i need from it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,188 ✭✭✭Andrewf20

    Folks, any sign of photos? There was a guy trigger happy at the start/end of the bike section.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37 osgur

    have to say that this was my favourite triathlon of the year...... all credit to trianmhi..... it was my 5th and final sprint. I am now absolutely addicted to this sport. Have took it very easy since this race. ( finished in top 30 )

    Want to do some proper training this Winter. Starting in a couple of weeks. Run and bike the key areas im looking to target. Next year I hope do 3 or 4 olympics and 7 or 8 sprints.

    Over the winter im thinking ...

    3 swims a week ... probably going to join a club for at least one of those

    going to buy a turbo trainer and have 4 cycles including a long one each week

    Run wise I need to join a club also and do another 4 sessions a week.

    looking at 10 hours or so.

    Anyone else willing to share their possible winter training program ? or any thoughts on mine above

