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Doing a FETAC or Access course before 3rd Level

  • 16-07-2009 4:59pm
    Registered Users Posts: 18

    ckkelly - I moved your post here as you would get a better reply and also the other thread is solely for introductions. Larianne

    tell me - what is the FETAC course about - do you recommend doing a course before doing your course, as it were?

    i've never studied! plus i just found out i'm ineligible for grants (shame i'm just about to spend the last of my savings this week...) so i was kinda wondering if i should defer 'til next year, and do some kinda access course... apply for the grants next year... but thought - why drag it out? you know? did you consider just going straight to your course in IT?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 Rgoldie

    Hi there,

    I did a FETAC course just this year and I found it was great for finding out how I would cope with study having not studied anything serious since Leaving Cert. That is over 10 years ago so I was nervous about the work load on the course, looking after the kids and work etc. I found that it was a huge advantage as I can now apply for work in the area of Special Needs after doing the course and now I have a clearer idea of where it is I would like to go with a career.

    A close friend also did an access course with NUIG and he found the same. It has given us both great confidence as regards study and how managable it is once you organise your time and you are enjoying it.He now hope to get a place in uni and I am hoping to continue in edu part time as long as I get a place in my chosen couse.

    I get where you are coming from as regards wasting time and wanting to just get on with it but the year flys by! I think that the year I spent on this course was the most valuable year I have spent in my adult life as regards finding a bit of direction and gathering my thoughts for the future.

    I got a grant to do my course as it was approx. 20 hours a week from the VEC. My friend didnt as it was 2 evening a week.

    Hope this helps :)
