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Flies and their "babies"

  • 12-07-2009 12:40am
    Registered Users Posts: 6,596 ✭✭✭

    After reading Karlogs thread on Spiders it got me thinkin'. Im definitely an insect "rascist"..probably not the right word but work with me.:D Im an animal lover and i appreciate the majority of what the natural world has to offer. Now...before the pedantics begin i know insects arent classified as "animals" but in the general gist of nature stick with me.

    Flies!! I feckin hate them and their little fly baby maggots. I understand in the grand scheme of life every species has a right to life....but c'mon these little feckers are gross. Throw a bit of leftover dinner in the bin..cue the little wrigglers poppin out of your black bin bag 2 or 3 days later :eek::eek:.

    I had one little buzzy missus tearin around my place all mornin tryin to find a way out. Knowing the consequences i had to get up at 9.30am to make sure the bin was covered. If they'd stay still long enough (like spiders) id catch them and let them out.

    Oh no! These yokes are on their own little demented mission...maggots=baby flies! I want to like them...but..???
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