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  • 08-07-2009 11:03pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 29,517 ✭✭✭✭

    I purchased Quickoffice off the apps list and it stated that it could be mounted as a drive on my comp.

    It gives a pretty good walkthrough but there is one point I am stuck at. This the the walk through
    Mounting your iPhone as a drive - Using Microsoft Windows Vista

    To connect to your mobile device from Windows Vista, you will need to map the device as a network place.
    1. Select the Computer shortcut from your desktop, or by clicking the Start button selecting it from the menu.
    2. From the Tools menu, select the "Map Network Drive" item. This will open the "Map Network Drive" window.
    3. You will need to assign a drive letter to represent your mobile device. Choose any of the available drive letters from the Drive menu.
    4. Enter the internet address of your mobile device into the Folder field. Click the Finish button to dismiss the window.
    5. If you have enabled authentication for File Transfers, the computer will prompt you for a username and password. Enter the same username and password you have set up in the File Transfer settings on your mobile device
    This might be a pretty basic thing, but does anyone know what is my mobile internet address? or what should I put in this folder?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 29,517 ✭✭✭✭Quazzie

    betafrog wrote: »
    When you open QuickOffice does it not give you the IP address of the phone on the screen. I know with Documents and AirSharing when you turn on wireless file sharing it shows the IP address of the phone on the bottom of the screen. This is the address you would put in the field you mention above.
    Does this mean that I need wifi to transfer files. I was under the impression that 'mounting' meant transferring the files via USB :confused:
