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Incoming Call + Text Message Caller Id

  • 06-07-2009 11:46pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 96 ✭✭

    My apologies if this question has being asked before i have searched for an answer and looked through the threads.

    MY Problem
    I am using an AMsam M810.It is running Windows Mobile 6

    I have a Person Y phone number saved as 085******* so when they call me there Caller ID comes up saying the name as well as the ringtone i have set for them and picture.

    But when Person Y sends me a text message there number comes up as +0035385******* so i do not see there name.

    I have all numbers saved in Contacts and i am using SPB Mobile Shell 3(Which im almost sure does not make a difference)

    I hope somebody can help me as this problem is driving me mad and makes me want to revert back to a normal phone or Iphone

    Thank You In Advance


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,631 ✭✭✭Thor

    There is one easy solution. granted not ideal.

    Just saved the second number again under the same name and that way there name will come up when you get a text from them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,592 ✭✭✭Soundman

    Edit Person Y's number in your contacts, dropping the first 0 and replacing it with +353. This should solve your problem, though it is weird that it doesn't automatically pick up that it is the same number the way most mobiles do.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 96 ✭✭ShamrockAir

    Thank You for the fast replies.

    Thor your way does work but it doubles the contacts i all ready have.

    SoundMan even when i drop the 0 and add +353 the same thing happens

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 96 ✭✭ShamrockAir

    Solved :)

    You need to change the number in CallIdMatch in the system registry to7.

    It was actually very easy to do.

    Step (1)
    Download PHM Registry Editor, Pocket Pc 2002,2003 (ARM/PXA){940B734A-C437-41C7-ADED-2A4418802FD3}

    Step (2)
    Copy the file to your Device/SD Card and install

    Step (3)
    (A)Open the registry editor in Start > Programs

    (B)Expand Hkey_Current_User. Then do the same for Control Panel\Phone

    (C)If CallIdMatch is not listed under Phone, Click Edit > New Dword Value.(If it is listed skip to (E) )

    (D)In the Value name: textbox, type CallIDMatch

    (E)In Value Data, type 7 or the value that matches the number of digits in your phone number.(085 ******* is 10 digits but we drop the 085 and make it 7 digits to *******)

    (F)Close the registry editor and restart your device.
