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Canon SLR 450D - taking photos through the LCD screen?

  • 09-06-2009 8:18pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 198 ✭✭

    Hi All

    I recently bought a Canon SLR 450D - the camera is great and i am very happy with it!I am an amateur photographer so still learning!

    Does anyone know how/if you can take a photo through the LCD screen?Like you can on a normal digital camera??I am having trouble establishing how!!

    I would be very grateful if anyone could assist me!Thanks


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭.Longshanks.

    I honestly don't know if it can do it, but either somebody one here will tell you very soon or you could search your manual for "live view"
    My canon 1000D has it and i can turn it on by pressing the button in the centre "set" button when framing a shot....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭Rb

    Press the "Menu" button on the top left hand side of the LCD, then using the left/right/up/down buttons on the right hand side of the LCD navigate to the third option from the right, it will have a picture of a spanner with two white circles and a yellow background.

    Then using the up/down buttons go down to "Live View Function Settings", press the "Set" button between the up/down/left/right buttons.

    A new menu opens and it will say "Live View Shoot.", press "Set" and navigate to "Enable", then press "Set".

    Now press the "Menu" button twice to go back to shooting and press the "Set" button to activate the Live Viewfinder.

    I would recommend having a thorough read through the 450D Manual that comes with the Camera, as it will have the answers to all the questions regarding the settings.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,679 ✭✭✭Freddie59

    Rb wrote: »
    Press the "Menu" button on the top left hand side of the LCD, then using the left/right/up/down buttons on the right hand side of the LCD navigate to the third option from the right, it will have a picture of a spanner with two white circles and a yellow background.

    Then using the up/down buttons go down to "Live View Function Settings", press the "Set" button between the up/down/left/right buttons.

    A new menu opens and it will say "Live View Shoot.", press "Set" and navigate to "Enable", then press "Set".

    Now press the "Menu" button twice to go back to shooting and press the "Set" button to activate the Live Viewfinder.

    I would recommend having a thorough read through the 450D Manual that comes with the Camera, as it will have the answers to all the questions regarding the settings.


    Alternatively, just press the middle (SET) button when in snapshot mode and Live View will come up straight away. Live View was on of my requirements when I was looking for a DSLR, because I always used it on my Fuji S5000. I've only used it twice (for landscapes).

    My advice? Use the eyepiece. Always.:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,171 ✭✭✭leche solara

    Like Freddie59 above the Liveview was one of the factors that swung me towards buying the 450D, as I was coming from compacts and felt I needed it. But also like Freddie I never use it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 125 ✭✭ajsp.

    Yio, just press the set button. I sometimes use it when i'm taking landscape shots. I turn the auto focus off, zoom in (x10) using the lcd and manualy focus in on what i really want to be sharp in the shot.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 118 ✭✭pft

    I use it when taking macro shots with an extension tube. This allows accurate focusing as ajsp says, but its mainly because I haven't yet figured out how to get correct exposure without using live-view. When live-view is used the exposure is always correct. Anyone got any tips on how to get exposure correct when using extension tubes?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,228 ✭✭✭Scruff

    Rb wrote: »
    Press the "Menu" button on the top left hand side of the LCD, then using the left/right/up/down buttons on the right hand side of the LCD navigate to the third option from the right, it will have a picture of a spanner with two white circles and a yellow background.

    Then using the up/down buttons go down to "Live View Function Settings", press the "Set" button between the up/down/left/right buttons.

    A new menu opens and it will say "Live View Shoot.", press "Set" and navigate to "Enable", then press "Set".

    Now press the "Menu" button twice to go back to shooting and press the "Set" button to activate the Live Viewfinder.

    I would recommend having a thorough read through the 450D Manual that comes with the Camera, as it will have the answers to all the questions regarding the settings.


    I've never been able to use autofocus in Full Auto mode with Live View for quick pics. Tis odd seing as it works in the other modes. I must follow those instructions later and see if it fixes it for me. If not i should RTFM!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,228 ✭✭✭Scruff

    Rb wrote: »
    Press the "Menu" button on the top left hand side of the LCD, then using the left/right/up/down buttons on the right hand side of the LCD navigate to the third option from the right, it will have a picture of a spanner with two white circles and a yellow background.

    Then using the up/down buttons go down to "Live View Function Settings", press the "Set" button between the up/down/left/right buttons.

    this is strange, i dont have any "Live View Function Settings" in my settings menu...:confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭schoolbag2

    Scruff wrote: »
    this is strange, i dont have any "Live View Function Settings" in my settings menu...:confused:

    I dont have this option on my 450D either, as far as I know it is not possible

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,679 ✭✭✭Freddie59

    schoolbag2 wrote: »
    I dont have this option on my 450D either, as far as I know it is not possible

    Press Menu. Scroll across to the second 'spanner' icon. The rist iem in the drop down menu is 'LCD Brightness'. Five down from that is 'Live View Function Settings'.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭Rb

    Scruff wrote: »
    this is strange, i dont have any "Live View Function Settings" in my settings menu...:confused:
    If you have your dial/exposure mode set to one of the fully automatic modes (such as Portrait, Landscape, Sports etc) then the option doesn't appear in the menu.

    If you have it set to an auto-exposure mode such as Av, Tv, M etc it will.
