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Puppy Toilet Training...

  • 28-05-2009 1:15pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 4

    Hi All,
    We are currently deciding on the idea of introducing a puppy into our family. There are only three of us me, Hubby and our nine year old son. I am looking at a mini jack russell. I work part time till 2pm every day and will be at home from 2.45pm every day with weekends off. I am wondering firstly if it's okay for a puppy to be home on it's own for that amount of time everyday. The downstairs of our house is fully tiled so I don't mind accidents and can let the puppy have full run of the area while I would erect a stairgate so he couldn't gain access upstairs. Our back garden is fully enclosed but is it fair to let a puppy out the back all the time I am at work? Obvisiously I would provide an adaquate kennel etc for him. Basically should I leave the puppy in or out and If left him in how would I toilet train him so that he didn't think the house was his toilet..

    Thanks All
