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Sectioning Hard Drive For OS

  • 26-05-2009 3:20pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 5

    Hi there,
    Recently ive decided to start running linux and was wondering if someone could tell me the best part of a Laptop hard drive to partition for it?
    Laptop specs
    Dell inspirion 1400
    Duel 2.73 processers
    Running Windows OS.

    Thank you very much.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,387 ✭✭✭EKRIUQ

    I just used Vista's partitioning application.

    To resize a partition with Windows Vista, follow these steps:

    Be sure to back up any valuable information, because there is a slight chance that data can be lost when dealing with partitions.

    1) Click on the Start menu

    2) Right click on Computer and click on Manage


    3) You may get a User Account Control dialog here; just click Continue

    4) In the left pane, open up the Storage category and click on Disk Management


    5) Here, you will find your partitions for your disks. Right click on the partition you’d like to modify.


    6) Click on Extend Volume or Shrink Volume to extend or shrink the selected partition.

    It might take a while, and then format your new partition and then install your Linux

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 10,093 Mod ✭✭✭✭marco_polo

    Hi there,
    Recently ive decided to start running linux and was wondering if someone could tell me the best part of a Laptop hard drive to partition for it?
    Laptop specs
    Dell inspirion 1400
    Duel 2.73 processers
    Running Windows OS.

    Thank you very much.

    Linux is much less fussy than Windows about where it will run from. Probably your safest bet is to install it on a new at the end of the disk as per above instructions. In fact if you install ubuntu it will even setup the dual boot for you when you install it (and make itself the default option, almost windows like :), you can change it after by simply editing a file if you like) .

    Don't forget you will need to make a smaller swap partition as well (it will make you do this on install), about 512MB should be fine for regular home use).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 David O' Regan

    Thanks guys,
    All the info provided was a hugh help!
    Thanks a Million!
