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Experiences with the 3 numbers?

  • 17-05-2009 6:08am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 26

    I had a terrifying experience with the 3 numbers of the devil. I wont even type them its that bad, even writing this has my eyes watered and hairs on my neck standing up. It happened years ago when I was around 11. I live in a estate up on a hill, at the bottom there is a big sign for our estate. Me and 2 female friends who lived in the estate where mucking around. It was night and we lended up down at the end of the hill, it was just after halloween and I was carrying around fake blood messing with it. One of the girls dared me to put some on the sign so we might "scare" the bigger kids going to school waiting for the bus in the morning. I splated some on it, then the other girl dared me to put those 3 numbers on it and a upside down cross.. I put the cross on, started the numbers and just as I finished and took the thing away from the sign at that precise time when I stopped making contact with the sign. Bang! Street lights and lights in the estate went out, the girls screamed and ran home. I was in pure shock before I started running home, my heart is pumping now even writing this now.. I got to my door, telling myself it was a freak accident, just a coincidence. Before I walked in the door I turned around and had a look at the estate draped in black. To my right I seen a light down the hill up the road a little. It was a street light, it was on the same line as the electricity running to the estate and looking further on I seen a house on the road with the outdoor light on, this to was connected on the same line as the estate. I know this as they used to go out in the past and they do in the present aswell when the electricity goes out. I ran in home up stairs and buried myself in my duvet. The girls went down with holy water under the direction of a neighbour that they had told. They didnt tell me they done it until a couple of weeks when we talked about it properly, they didnt even ask me to come along! The whole thing gives me the heebie jeebies and that was 10 years ago!

    If anyone has a experience similar please share.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,111 ✭✭✭MooseJam

    coincidence my dear I doubt Satan switched off the power to give you a shock no pun intended sure if he wanted to scare you why not show himself and scream boo

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,987 ✭✭✭Ziycon

    Its possible that a breaker went, most street lights are separated into girds so its possible that the grid that you where on tripped and further down the road was fine due to being on a different grid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,772 ✭✭✭✭Whispered

    As far as I know the number 666 is actually repersentative of materialism and not of the devil. It was a misinterpetation and the devils number is 611 or something.

    Don't ask me where I heard it, I really can't remember and as I am sitting alone in a dark room ATM I'm reluctant to google in case of scary pics (yes I am that saaaad). Maybe someone more knowledgeable than me can confirm or let me know I'm wrong.

    Then again, I doubt it would matter if you wrote 666,999,333 or 123 TBH, the intention behind what you were doing is the important thing and it was obviously a joke so I wouldn't go worrying about it. (easy for me to say haha :o)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,222 ✭✭✭robbie_998

    well.... if there was still a street light on and a house or two still running with electricity then i'd say its just a power failure ... they are not uncommon around halloween ...

    normally get them in dublin cos their usually kids messing with the power lines or our latest one was some one set the power station in clondalkin on fire and we ran of power generators for a week or 2.

    it was just after halloween too :rolleyes:

    i wouldnt be too worried about it
