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help with size please

  • 16-05-2009 4:54pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 8

    Hello new to site old to forums. I just bought new HD laptop and the shortcut icons on the desktop are too big. I am getting familiar to Vista Premium but want to know how to make these icons smaller. Thanks in advance.


  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 11,017 Mod ✭✭✭✭yoyo

    Right click desktop>View>Medium Icons, if you want them the size as they were in earlier versions of windows (Xp, 2000 etc) choose view classic icons


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,286 ✭✭✭tfitzgerald

    Click the Start menu button. Then click on Settings, and then on Control Panel.
    <LI itxtvisited="1">Step 2
    Double-click the Display icon or text link. This will open a window called Display Properties.
    <LI itxtvisited="1">Step 3
    Click on Appearance. Click on Item, then scroll down and click on Icons.
    <LI itxtvisited="1">Step 4
    Change the size of the icons by adding a larger or smaller number in the Size box that appears to the right. A larger number will create a larger icon and a small number will create a smaller icon.
    <LI itxtvisited="1">Step 5
    Click OK if you decide to accept the resized icons and fonts

    2try this if it does not work right click on the desktop go into properties and change screen resolition

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 mark2409

    yoyo wrote: »
    Right click desktop>View>Medium Icons, if you want them the size as they were in earlier versions of windows (Xp, 2000 etc) choose view classic icons


    Great XP size was what I was looking for thanks a million. Nick
