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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,392 ✭✭✭AnCatDubh

    this is quite nice. you have a little bit of burn out which is understandable given the scene. however it also leaves you limited in terms of adjustments as the burnt areas will basically stay burnt as you darken or lighten.

    technically you probably have a little horizon straightening to do - this is minor and easily achieved.

    I like the meandering roadway and the lines which draws the attention to a particular conclusion.

    it's difficult to tell but a few steps back might have gotten just a little more of the land space on the left hand side which may have improved the over composition / balance of the shot.

    is that a little lens flare caught just below the horizon about a third of the way across? It's interesting but i don't think adds anything to the composition. Lens flare (if that's what it is) can be very artistic but in this case its too limited.

    my monitor isn't calibrated but it looks like it could do with a little more 'warmth' applied to it (more subtle orange/brown colouring). It's just a tad too clinical for me.

    Overall I quite like it. I think its a nice attempt. If you could control the burnt areas a little better and watch the horizon line, you are very nearly there with it IMHO.

    Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,547 ✭✭✭City-Exile

    First thing I saw was your signature on the picture.
    It really stands out.
    Far too distracting!

    The horizon doesn't look straight and I think the image itself lacks vibrance.
