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Another matrix appearing in my reality.

  • 26-04-2009 4:09am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭

    To anyone who is tracking me knows full well, I'm into alot of metaphysical, mystical, astrology, tree of life, cosmos counciousness and interdimensional reality.

    But I'm going to post alot of stuff that are happening in my life, in a general view, the pedistal in my vehicle is going faster, and I now know that im a star seed ont his planet.

    My conclusions is my experiences and how the world mirrors to me in all its forms.

    What is a star seed? It is a soul that has a universal mission that incarntes onto many worlds to provide light and wisdom to all life in that world. The other side to that, is the mission of the star seed is to complete the physical mission, as a deed also (IMO)

    Higher counciousness is a never ending ladder or so it seems, all souls on this planet are all on different levels and have different goals.

    Why is that? That is the random and chaos of the universe. Life and the soul is the counciousness that seeks oneness and order, and the other side to this, is chaos and disorder. Somehow dualism is needed to further the growth in counciousness. all fragments of matter in this universe, is the one source. This is as far as I'll go into, Even I do not know enough yet.

    But I'll start of the thread with this.

    Today is Sunday morning.
    I asked the cosmos and my brothers and sisters from afar, who I miss a great deal, to show me guidance and a sign to commuincate with me.

    Yesterday I was talking about this existence and other life on other worlds, and when I said to my friend at the precise moment. I said these beings

    Lightening struck outside my house, the flash was so great I jumped and thought it was like an alarm or something, I freaked and went outside to see what that light was, and obviously itt was lightening cus thunder followed.

    Now there wasn't any majot thunder or rain or anything of such,

    But it only dawned on me, when I asked myself the question to myself the other day, that this coincidence was just to much to ignore.

    I'm saying this to you guys, in away, of saying your not alone and that the cosmos has faith in humanity to evolve.

    I'll keep you all posted on this.
