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  • 19-04-2009 8:28pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭

    I had a premonition a few years ago. I'm posting to see what peoples reaction of this maybe. I do find it quite uncomfortable as to why and how I got this premonition.

    When I was 17 I worked in a local supermaket, and a workmate of mine who I knew on and off over the years. I also went to school with him. I didn't really hang around with that much to say we were buddies or anything like that.

    But anyway here goes the story.
    Let's call him, Jack. I want to keep the story confidential as it would be disturbing knowing what I knew.

    Jack and I were working above the supermarket floor carrying stuff up and down stairs and we just got chatting about cars, and he had just brought a car and he was on about his passing of his test. I just got a vision that he was going to die. It was like a random thought that entered my head. Now I actually forgot about this thought years later. As it was just a thought nothing else.

    So It turned out he was in a bawl with a few lads. (3 years later) (about two years ago now) He was out drunk in my local town. He was knocked about and fell asleep on the road, He got hit by a car and died as a result.

    Now the disturbing part
    I actually had the dream on friday night before the incident in which he died, the dream was what had happened in our conversation about cars and my premonition about him dieing. Now I remember thinking back why would I have a dream of an old mate about this?:confused: I Remember waking up what was I dreaming about him for, I have practially forgotten the guy almost.

    Gets even more weird....

    Dad rang me on Sunday (again having just disregarded my premonition) He said a guy was killed on saturday night don't know who he was. I never onced assummed anything of this guy, I had bascially not put a thought into my premontion whatsoever.

    Later that week I came home, and I asked Dad did he find out who died at the weekend, and as we were in the car driving on the main road and we passed his house, I just blurted out his name. Dad was like how did you know? as Dad even wasn't sure really And this is a guy I haven't seen in about a few years. It was so weird.... When we were home, it was confirmed it was indeed jack that was died.:eek:

    I told my parents and one or two friends about it never spoke of it since obviously now.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭bigeasyeah

    Poor lad the fella you talked about.Its an interesting subject and the fact you had more than one notice of his passing is also interesting.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭dade

    I've had experiences like this.

    about 15 years ago my uncle came to live with us. he was dying of cancer. every day I'd head off to college no a bother on me, on weekends I'd head off to my part time job. this went on for months.

    then one Friday night i was out the door as usual only i stopped, got a pen and paper and wrote some phone numbers on it. one was a mates house that i was going to on the way to work, another was for where i worked. that was at 4pm, i was due in work at about 10pm. anyway i get to work and my mother had called, my uncle had died that night. what i find strange about it all was for month i never left any contact info for people to get me, but that night i did.

    10 years ago my father was dying of cancer. it was around the time of the Omah bombings, couple of weeks after it. all the family was about and dad was in bed, the nurse from the hospice had just been over and had hooked him up to the morphine drip. she headed off and said someone would call by later to check on things.

    after dinner my brothers decided to take a walk to get the Sunday papers, they asked me to go with them, i said "nah I'll stay in case mother needs me" so off the three brothers go to the shop. five minutes later my uncle came out of my parents room and said you need to go upstairs now, i sat with my father he asked me to look after my mother and died 2 minutes later.

    Christ that one brought a tear to my eye, haven't thought about it in years.

    I lived in Germany for a while and dated a lass from the UK, she returned to college and i returned to Ireland and we tried to keep things going. we'd write all the time. anyway we decide I'm going to move there and get a job. i buy tickets and a month before I'm due to go i get a letter. i touch it and don't bother opening it coz i can feel what is says. almost as if i could sense the bad news. it was a Dear John letter.

    and another one, not so sad. I had a friend from Ohio many many years ago. I had a dream one night about a small bridge in a wooded area, and i was being chased by a wolf. well i thought i was anyway. so i get to a river with a small stone bridge over is and fall down exhausted. the wolf comes over and sniffs me and just sits there then runs off. few days later i get a letter from her and she's talking about this bridge that she found in a wood not far from her parents, she described it to me, i wrote back an asked her to send me a picture, she did and it was the same bridge that was in my dream.
    we lost contact about 15 years ago, 3 years ago i dream of that bridge again, only this time it's a young girl with dark hair that's being chased. i thought it strange but didn't worry about it. so a few days later I'm looking for a gift on line for my wife's Xmas gift, i come across one site in the Florida but it doesn't have any details about international shipping. (can you see where this is going yet?) i email them giving my mothers address, cos my CC is still in that address and i don't want the wife to see a box come in the post. i get a replay "not usually but for you i will it's been so long how's your mom and dad?" guess who? yeah the same friend i had from Ohio, she's married with three kids (one of them is strikingly like the girl from my dream)

    year later i have the same dream, i email her and ask if everything is ok. turns out her husband has been diagnosed with a brain tumour and he needs surgery. he turned out to be ok.

    what does all this mean? i know if i ever see a wolf i'm running the hell away from it coz it seems to be the bringer of bad news in my world :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    dade wrote: »

    what does all this mean? i know if i ever see a wolf i'm running the hell away from it coz it seems to be the bringer of bad news in my world :D

    Cosmos was speaking to you, obviously for a purpose, I would try tease it out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭dade

    mysterious wrote: »
    Cosmos was speaking to you, obviously for a purpose, I would try tease it out.

    the wolf bit is strange, ever since that first dream i've felt an infinity for them. i think they are amazing anaimals. Native american tribes hold them in high regard also, for their hunting skills, strength, loyalty to and defense of the pack.
