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grand opening radio bus hire

  • 19-04-2009 7:21pm
    Registered Users Posts: 15

    Hi All,

    Im launching my new retail venture which opened a few weeks ago, im planning my grand opening for late May. I am looking for any ideas out there and also im want to hire 104 0r 98 to have an outside bradcast bus at the event. My question is what will i expect to pay for this and how can i go about getting the best price.




  • Registered Users Posts: 11,987 ✭✭✭✭zAbbo

    First of all, contact those stations and speak with them to get prices, but before that I'd sit down and consider exactly what you want to get from the launch, put aside a budget and get working on the PR.

    It really depends on what you're offering, it's difficult to give advice blind to the market and your own objectives.
