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"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind" - A. Einstein

  • 17-04-2009 11:05pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,803 ✭✭✭

    I know this might seem unusual, but for anyone who's applied to IRCSET for PhD funding, the results of whether you will be funded or not is out this Tuesday, so it might be worth while taking note.

    While I was messing about online out of boredom, I came across a few patron saints, and St. Albert the Great is the Patron Saint of medical technicians; natural sciences; philosophers; scientists; and students.

    Whatever religion you are, I think when it comes to IRCSET and funding we're going to need any help, so here's the prayer to Saint Albert the Great:

    Dear Scientist and Doctor of the Church, natural science always led you
    to the higher science of God. Though you had an encyclopedia knowledge,
    it never made you proud, for your regarded it as a gift of God.
    Inspire scientists to use their gifts well in studying the wonders of creation,
    thus bettering the lot of the human race, and rendering greater glory to God.

    Hope this helps, if not it is gas to see that there's patron saint for these kinds of things!:D

    All the best!

