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Art Related Programmes, Classes or Workshops

  • 02-04-2009 11:51am
    Registered Users Posts: 44

    I am currently unemployed and searching for work on a daily basis, and by the way things are going, and with all the CVs Ive sent out, it may be awhile before I get a job. But fortunately, I can keep myself busy from day to day, as I have an interest in Art and Painting, Drawing, Scultpure,Ceramics, etc! So my question is whether anyone knows of any CHEAP Art Programmes on within the North Tipp area, specifically Thurles Area, so I can attend and keep myself motivated, and maybe be able to create work that is inspirational! They would need to be cheap as my financial budget is not very big! So any Advanced Painting, or Printing, Ceramics, Sculpture, Textile Design , Photography, Multi Media, Craft Work Shops, or Programmes, etc.

