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Strange Words on the Screen

  • 23-03-2009 2:20am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭

    This happened to me sometime last week, and I'm not really sure it happened. I was in work, sitting infront of a computer. I was looking up some information on a customer's account, and sometimes, below the customer's name, there is a field you can input data into - Special Instructions.

    Usually in this field you'd put your own initials or something, just to show whose doing it etc. Well, I was at the desk on my own, and I read the section. It said "kill". I swear as I am sitting here now writing this down, that's how I saw it. I wasn't freaked out or anything I thought it was a joke maybe somebody had written it for the laugh, so I cancelled out of the Order and came back, and it was gone. The program we use in work is quite old and isn't nice to look at, just text on a screen, very basic.

    I was sure I had read it but, what the **** like? Why wasn't it there when I came back to it? It could have possible been changed by someone else, but so quickly? It's like that episode of the X-Files were people start going crazy and killing people after seeing wierd messages come from mobile phones or computers and stuff. I guess it must have had something to do with the fact that I'd been sick recently...maybe it was my subconscious. But I know that I stared at that word for atleast a minute.

    Has something like this ever happened to anyone?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 JustEnough

    Maybe one of the lads in the IT dept did it for a laugh. Its possible to "shadow" any user, meaning they can view and control any pc from their own pc.

    I've done similar things in the past, its funny :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,561 ✭✭✭quad_red

    You don't work in a post office, do you? ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,749 ✭✭✭CCCP^

    Mystery solved! Somebody with the name Killian entered Kill for short! What a relief! I thought I was going nuts! And noo, not a post office. Imagine if I did and this was for real - I can see the headlines now "Post Office Worker kills 7, says Computer made him do it."
