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Psychology HDip

  • 02-03-2009 6:13pm
    Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭

    I graduated with 1st class honours with a BSC in Archaeology but now im considering a HDip conversion in Psychology in NUIG/UCC.

    How hard would it be to get into these courses considering that i have done Archaeology and the degree was from an I.T.? The uni's state that an entry requirement is that you have a good degree (other than Psych) but from a Uni. How strict are they on that? Is there a bias towards uni graduates as opposed to I.T. graduates?

    Im looking for a challenge but also something that could maybe be linked to social work/criminology/forensics. Forensics has always been my something i have loved.
    im currently unemployed (sucks big time!) and even before my last year of my degree i felt that archaeology may not be the job for me. I did pick the course when i was 16! My interests have changed since then. Im at the stage where i wanna get back into education so i can finally get the career i want. Dont get me wrong doing that course has done so much for me interms of life lessons and education. There were many aspects of the course that touched on Psychology (science based and interpretative modules involving the brain etc). Would the science aspect help me get into the HDip?

    Im considering a distance course with CMIT as an intro to Psychology. I dont expect to have any kinda big qualification by doing this course as i just wanna make sure its the right area for me before i make an application for the HDip. Would it look good on my CV to show that even though im out of work that i did something with my free time and actually took time to get an intro into the area before commiting to a full time 2 year HDip???? :confused:

    Any advice/suggestions about the Hdip in Psych in NUIG/UCC?
    Also after the HDip id like to do a masters/Phd.... any suggestions for a further postgrad study?

    Sorry for all the questions i just need some general opinions on this to help me

    Greatly appreciate any advice,
    Thanks! :)
