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Agencies taking the p*ss when paying you

  • 02-03-2009 2:54pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 112 ✭✭

    I'm currently over in Derby, Uk. I have been working here as a sub-teacher since September. Things after Christmas started to run slow, and a weekend in Liverpool to watch the Man City game coming up I decided I needed to make money fast. I joined this agency, who gave me work straight away in a Flower factory, crappy i know but it was £8 p/h and 14 hour days with Valentine's day looming. Thought grand, work, get the money and quit. I started the week before Valentines day, only half days, got paid the following week into my account, pay slip sent to house. The problem occurs when I worked the week of valentines, 6am to 8pm. long days but thought it would be worth it.Along came the Friday before the game. Looked at my account, £400, thought good that will do for the weekend, they must not have paid me for two days, il sort it out when i get home. Got home, Liverpool threw away the league, to find no pay slip sent. Waited until next paydy on Thursday there to see if it would come but only got paid for 28 hours instead 50. I emailed the agency, they told me they paid me, funny thing is that this week I got sent a pay slip where as the week in question i didnt. Sneaky, they emailed me back saying that they paid me for so many hours, even at that I'm still missing £100 plus the 2 days (28 hours) they didnt pay me.

    Now what can I do to get this money off them, I doubt I could afford a lawyer. Another thing is that 90% of the factory workforce are polish and they might think they can get away with it. What chances do I have of getting my money back?

    Sorry for long post


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 78,607 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    You need to find out the local employment rights office.

    These agencies tend to require licences - that might be one pressure point.
