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Just got a P.A. Question

  • 01-03-2009 8:55pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭

    Hi All,

    Well i got my first piercing and went for a prince albert cos my mates have them and swear by them.

    Got it done yesterday in Snakebite and the guy was a legend and very professional and put me at ease. Only bled on the first day and thats stopped now.

    The only this is it is EXTREMELY sensitive, i anything touches the ring, i get a slight stab of pain. This wasnt great driving home over some bumpy roads. I cant retract my foreskin fully either but that i kinda expected

    is this normal or could it be something else?

    Also for extra cleaning, if i dont have sea salt, will table salt do?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,625 ✭✭✭Sofaspud

    Firstly, don't use table salt, it has chemicals in it that you don't want going near a piercing!

    And the pain's perfectly normal, new piercings are always really sensitive at first, you've basically just been stabbed and have a bit of metal in the wound.

    Someday I'll have a PA, someday :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭vengeance52

    Sofaspud wrote: »
    Firstly, don't use table salt, it has chemicals in it that you don't want going near a piercing!

    And the pain's perfectly normal, new piercings are always really sensitive at first, you've basically just been stabbed and have a bit of metal in the wound.

    Someday I'll have a PA, someday :D

    Cheers mate.

    Ill just wash it with warm water, and hope for the best. I read a few tips online, and one was to wear loose underwear and 100% cotton, so i picked some up and the difference in comfort was incredible.

    Im really happy with it, only bled yesterday and once it heals a bit more ill be very happy.

    The guy, steve i think, in snakebite told me also to avoid orange juice etc as this could cause greater stinging and stick to water which ive done.

    Im glad I got it done.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,559 ✭✭✭LD 50

    WTH. :eek:I got mine done in snakebite yesterday too. hmmm. Who did yours, Steve or Rob?

    It sounds fairly normal. You prob should by now have seen some bruising, I am. Yours sounds like its just still a bit tender. that's expected. It should pass over the next day or two. If not, give them a call, and have a chat with the guys in Snakebite.
    As for the cleaning, table salt isn't as pure as sea/rock salt. If you get a chance though, pick some up. I'm lucky in that we have sea salt here anyways.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭vengeance52

    LD 50 wrote: »
    WTH. :eek:I got mine done in snakebite yesterday too. hmmm. Who did yours, Steve or Rob?

    It sounds fairly normal. You prob should by now have seen some bruising, I am. Yours sounds like its just still a bit tender. that's expected. It should pass over the next day or two. If not, give them a call, and have a chat with the guys in Snakebite.
    As for the cleaning, table salt isn't as pure as sea/rock salt. but it should be alright. If you get a chance though, pick some up. I'm lucky in that we have sea salt here anyways.

    Not sure which is which, guy that did my had shaved head and a goatee..... thats prob all the staff then lol.

    As long as the tenderness goes soon, cos even sitting down i get a sharp jag of pain, if my clothes rub against the piercing

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,625 ✭✭✭Sofaspud

    Cheers mate.

    Ill just wash it with warm water, and hope for the best. I read a few tips online, and one was to wear loose underwear and 100% cotton, so i picked some up and the difference in comfort was incredible.

    I've heard that it's actually better to wear tighter underwear, prevents your lad from "flapping about" too much, keeps the piercing in place causing less agitation.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭vengeance52

    Sofaspud wrote: »
    I've heard that it's actually better to wear tighter underwear, prevents your lad from "flapping about" too much, keeps the piercing in place causing less agitation.

    but if anything touching the piercing causes jags of pain, wouldnt have tight underwear mean it would have material constantly touching it which would be worse?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,559 ✭✭✭LD 50

    Not sure which is which, guy that did my had shaved head and a goatee..... thats prob all the staff then lol.

    As long as the tenderness goes soon, cos even sitting down i get a sharp jag of pain, if my clothes rub against the piercing
    If its really bad, try some ibuprofen. It'l reducethe swelling. But not asparin. That'l just make you bleed.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,559 ✭✭✭LD 50

    but if anything touching the piercing causes jags of pain, wouldnt have tight underwear mean it would have material constantly touching it which would be worse?
    I think its each to their own. You just said there was a big difference in comfort. Stick with that then if you find its better.

    Big thumbs up too from me to the guys there aswell. Completly professional, and know there stuff in and out. Will definatly be back there soon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,625 ✭✭✭Sofaspud

    but if anything touching the piercing causes jags of pain, wouldnt have tight underwear mean it would have material constantly touching it which would be worse?

    If it's held in place it shouldn't be as bad, when it's loose the material will hit it and rub against it and such, but when it's tight it stops it moving about.

    Then again, you're the one with the piercing so you know better either way, I'm jusdt repeating what I've heard. :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭vengeance52

    LD 50 wrote: »
    If its really bad, try some ibuprofen. It'l reducethe swelling. But not asparin. That'l just make you bleed.

    Ive only got Panadol, would it have the same prob as aspirin?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭vengeance52

    Sofaspud wrote: »
    If it's held in place it shouldn't be as bad, when it's loose the material will hit it and rub against it and such, but when it's tight it stops it moving about.

    Then again, you're the one with the piercing so you know better either way, I'm jusdt repeating what I've heard. :pac:

    i might just call in sick tomorrow an chill in bed o'natural

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    With the PA piercing there really isn't a need for sea salt soaking... but when you have to go pee, bring a cup with you, fill it with lukewarm water, SIT on the toilet, hold the cup down and dunk your lad. Use a pinching hold to control your flow so it is slow, and simply pee into the warm water in the cup. This will help clean it, as your urine is sterile, it'll clean any dried blood inside, and the flow control will prevent it from stinging. I know it sounds silly, but it really helps.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 184 ✭✭missannik

    Ive only got Panadol, would it have the same prob as aspirin?

    Panadol is fine. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 329 ✭✭BuddhaJoe

    Hey mate! Hope your holding up in work okay. Best tip I can give is drink plenty of water, the ammonia in your urine will help the healing process.

    Also, if you can get your hands on some surgical gloves you might want to try wrapping your penis in tissue and putting the glove over it to keep the wrapping tight and in place. Should provide some cushioning, plus the ladies will love the buldge :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭vengeance52

    There is no issue with stinging when i pee. my concern is i cant retract my foreskin fully and im worried that there may be dried blood or somethin at the hole beside the frenulum as this is the area with the pain.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 994 ✭✭✭pajodublin

    LD 50 wrote: »
    WTH. :eek:I got mine done in snakebite yesterday too. hmmm. Who did yours, Steve or Rob?

    It sounds fairly normal. You prob should by now have seen some bruising, I am. Yours sounds like its just still a bit tender. that's expected. It should pass over the next day or two. If not, give them a call, and have a chat with the guys in Snakebite.
    As for the cleaning, table salt isn't as pure as sea/rock salt. If you get a chance though, pick some up. I'm lucky in that we have sea salt here anyways.
    Steve and Rob are both cool, had all my piercings done in snakebite
    drop by there for a chat now and again
    pity their tattooists have gone downhill in recent years after Alice left to go back to USA

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭vengeance52

    I rang the guys in snakebite, he said that its normal swelling that is stopping my foreskin for being able to pull back, but if its not ok in a few days to call into them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,559 ✭✭✭LD 50

    Definatly my favourite place sofar. From the moment I stepped in the front door downstairs and was hit by the smell of clean sterility I knew it as gonna be good.

    Pawels work that they had put on the walls was v good.

    Whats a good time to wait before changing jewelery?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭vengeance52

    Well pain was not as bad as yesterday, but still there.

    There was also some stinging when i urinated and the faintest amount of blood. has to use my CSI vision to see it.

    still no joy retracting my foreskin to fully expose the PA, but i hope this will change soon enuff....

    it still looks the business :P

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭vengeance52

    OK, its ten days since i got the PA done, and I love it. Healed up a treat and looks savage. im so glad i got it done.

    Couple of pointers.

    Loose cotton underwear is the way to go. Tried snug pair and was uncomfortable sitting down in work. When there loose, you can hang to the side when sitting which is comfy.

    When cleaning, the first two days it was a bit messy, so make sure you are prepared when you go to the loo, and keep everything clean, but dont move the piercing when cleaning. patience helps.

    if you are uncut, make sure you keep cleaning under the foreskin dry off with tissue paper.

    I found that some of the pain i was experiencing was due to my forskin sitting over the piercing, which was putting pressure on the ring when the whole area was really sensitive. I retracted my forskin when chilling at home by myself or after a pee, and it was more comfortable.

    Avoid Jeans unless there very baggy. I found they were very restricting and when i switched to combats or tracksuit bottoms, i was far more comfortable.

    Avoid orange juice or any citrus drinks as they can make it sting more when you pee. Apple Juice on the other hand is meant to be good for the swelling so i tried it and i do think it helped.

    When you pee, dont shake afterwards as this is sore, just wait for an extra min and let nature and gravity do the rest. There may be a few extra drips that are restricted by the piercing so be patient.

    even though the piercing feels healed, dont mess with the jewlery as it may not be completly healed inside and you can do damage.

    Avoid excesive exercise in the first few days, I standing on a chair and hopped down, three days after it was done, and it felt like a 2ton weight was attached instead of a ring.

    Anyone thinking of getting this done..... DO IT. I got a text last nite when my phone was resting on my leg when i had my feet up... it was on vibrate and that moment.. i knew it was worth it ;)

    The lads in snakebite are legends and I even rang them at half seven one evening to ask a question and they had no probs chatting to me. LEGENDS

    Guys and Gals of this forum, cheers for all the replys and info. It put my mind at ease and now im proud of my very first piercing. :D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    :D That mention of the vibration brings back memories of driving in my car with the sound up loud, and a song with particularly heavy bass came on, and I could feel it...

    That only happened when the piercing was reasonably fresh though... shame! ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,559 ✭✭✭LD 50

    I cant feel anything noticably different. Still gonna keep it though.
