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Change Alarm Codes- Most popular panels

  • 20-02-2009 12:38am
    Moderators, Home & Garden Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 24,789 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    Here are instructions on changing codes for the most popular alarm systems. (Might be worth a skicky)
    Request other systems here & I will add them.

    Aritech CS350 CD72 CD95

    enter User code
    Press arrow down untill screen displayes users
    press correct key
    on change code press accept
    on change own code press accept
    on new code enter the new code you want ( 4-6 digits no zeros)
    Press accept
    on verify re enter new code & press accept
    Press X X X
    on Finished press accept

    Aritech CS250

    Enter User Code
    Scroll down (arrow down) to users
    Select change code
    Select Code 1 (U1)
    Enter new code & press ok
    Verify & Press ok
    Press No x 3 & ok to exit

    Astec 63/D/DV 49/D/DV

    When you enter clear fn 3 the system asks you for a code first which ever code you enter that is the one that will be changed.
    The other method is to enter clear fn 4
    enter your master code (which is always code one)
    enter which code you wish to change 1 2 3 or 4 , remember 1 is the master code you just entered
    enter new code press set & enter new code again

    HKC Secure Watch
    enter user code select > Manager Menu > User Codes>
    select the code yous wish to change (probobly U1) > enter new code & verify
    When finished press quit until you leave the user menu.
    Aritech CP32
    Enter your existing user code. When the buzzer starts press *#new code *
    This action will ne confirmed by a small "o" on the screen.

    Astec Fusion

    Enter user code & select user menu
    Select code menu
    Enter new code (zeros are allowed here)
    Press correct key (menu key d)
    Enter new code again (verify)
    Press correct key (menu key d)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 pink_monkeys

    I have an Aritect CD 72 but the instruction you gave dont apply to my system nothing happens when press down arrow at the start.:confused::confused:
    the keypad also does not have a "correct" key, it has "ok". I have been searching the net all week just to find out how to get to the menu option alone :mad: and your advise has been the most understandable.:) Do you know how I can get into the menu option in order to change the code? does it make a differance that the alarm also says : OC Securities on it.
    Here's a brief outline of what the keypad is like:
    Top: F1 F2 F3
    Next few lines are your normal numbered keypad 1-9
    Bottom: No, 0 , #
    on the right you have 3 buttons: arrow up, arrow down and ok.

    can you help me at all please??:D:D:D:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,828 ✭✭✭fred funk }{

    You have a CS250 panel not a CD72. Follow the above instructions to change the code. It is possible that your system has been programmed not to allow you the access to the user menu.
