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sky plus self install

  • 08-02-2009 9:45pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 33

    my inlaws have ordinary sky and i got a sky plus bow cheap on ebay, a quad lnb and cable, now will the card thats already in the ordinary box work with sky plus box, can anyone give me a step by step self install


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,158 ✭✭✭John mac

    just give sky a ring to pair the card to the new box.

    (provided that they already have a sub)

    once you have swapped the lnb for the quad and run another coax to the new box. of course.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,833 ✭✭✭✭Armin_Tamzarian

    Run a second co-ax from the dish to your Sky box.
    You'll need 2 of those screw on type co-ax connections.
    Probably available from the same place you get your co-ax from.
    Just call into your local Electrical Wholesaler.

    There'll probably be a pin or something similar holding the single LNB into the dish.
    Remove it and slide in the quad lnb.
    Be very careful not to disturb the dish, i.e knock it out of position.

    Attach the two co-axs to any 2 of the 4 outputs on the lnb.
    The back of the box has two co-ax connections to attach the co-ax cables to.

    Power up the Sky+ box.

    If all is not working correctly, then.

    Click on SERVICES, 4, 0, 1, SELECT.
    This access an Installation Menu.
    Click on New Install and click OK on everything,
    no phone line attached warning comes up ignore it and click through it.

    This should get you up and running.

    Click on SERVICES, 4, 6.
    This will show you the quality and strength of the signal coming through both co-ax.
    If there's a problems with either, identify which cable is iffy and check the connections on either end of the cable.

    Any problems give us a shout...
