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Spirit Hauntings!

  • 22-01-2009 11:48am
    Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭

    Hi there,
    Im not a new skeptic but new in that it is the first time Ive put it down on forum paper! I do not understand what the huge fuss is about spirit hauntings! I for one dont believe them. The reason is most people seem to look for them when it is night time. Why is that? Well if they were really there would they not be there during the day time? What if there were spirits/ghosts...say a child ghost. As you know most children dont understand or know what is being said. So how is a child spirit suppose to understand?

    How come ghosts understand English? What if the ghost was say, Spanish or Italien and never spoke a word of English when he/she was alive. How is the spirit supposed to understand? The paranormal psychic medium would say' Knock if you are there'! How is the ghost supposed to understand what he means? Are all deceased people of one language, English? Then again what if the people were when alive, blind, deaf or couldnt walk?

    Is the spirit one floating intelligent brain? I do think a lot of these people play on fears. It is all fear based. The fear of the unknown. The fear of what you cannot see or hear.
    The only real fear we have in life is not of the dead but of the living.

    About Psychics and readings:
    I do not believe in any of the clap trap psychics say or tell. One of the funny things about psychics is they cannot tell you the lottery numbers! So basically in a nut shell they would be filthy rich if they could see into the future! In other words they cant see into the future! They give some mumbo jumbo about it being against some rules or something they cannot give numbers for the lottery. How silly is that.

    They do play on hurt and lost love and love and money. I see those ads on tv for psychic lines, that alone must have cost a bomb. So they must be making some money from people who want love, health or work. I know someone who ran up a telephone bill of over a thousand euros ringing these people. For some people it becomes an addiction and fix in their lives, and psychics play on this.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 630 ✭✭✭Lucas10101

    Excellent post. You raised some axiomatic but interesting points.

    The believers are now racking their brains trying to think of an excuse that's impossible to disprove. Some rubbish along the lines of:

    "They communicate through -spirit waves- that connect with the human conscience and it's their meaning and intention that's given and not actual words"...

    It's so easy to make this type of excuse up...and it doesn't gel with me one bit.

    Regarding the ghosts -- funny questions, but they're true as well. Another laughing point is when they try to communicate with people a couple of hundred years ago...why can't they communicate with people and find the true cause of death in a murder case??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    merlie wrote: »
    Hi there,
    Im not a new skeptic but new in that it is the first time Ive put it down on forum paper! I do not understand what the huge fuss is about spirit hauntings! I for one dont believe them.

    Its not the kind of thing any sane person would believe in until they happened to live somewhere that is haunted by a spirit. People have experienced this, wheather you believe they do or not.
    The reason is most people seem to look for them when it is night time. Why is that? Well if they were really there would they not be there during the day time?

    Who says they arent? Most people 'investigate' in the dark for practical reasons. Its quieter at night time and peopel tend to keep quiet in the dark, which is what you want if you want to have clear recordings so you can differentiate between what is obviously environmental noise and what isnt. Its got nothing to do with ghosts coming out in the dark. Thats a hollywood invention.
    What if there were spirits/ghosts...say a child ghost. As you know most children dont understand or know what is being said. So how is a child spirit suppose to understand?

    Not all hauntings are children and most children over the age of 6 can talk and understand.
    How come ghosts understand English? What if the ghost was say, Spanish or Italien and never spoke a word of English when he/she was alive. How is the spirit supposed to understand? The paranormal psychic medium would say' Knock if you are there'! How is the ghost supposed to understand what he means? Are all deceased people of one language, English? Then again what if the people were when alive, blind, deaf or couldnt walk?

    This is actually quite debated in paranormal circles as its a very valid point. The truth is we dont know if ghosts as such exist nevermind anything else. Some theorise that 'spirits' as such transend communication barriers. Simple answer is we dont have an answer which is why some of us actually investigate these things for ourselves rather than just saying how unlikely it could be.
    Is the spirit one floating intelligent brain? I do think a lot of these people play on fears. It is all fear based. The fear of the unknown. The fear of what you cannot see or hear.

    Ive no idea where you've developed that theory from, but as someone who has an interest in the paranormal, i can safely say yer well off the mark. Its more of a non-fear - an interest to see just where that energy we call life goes afterwards.
    The only real fear we have in life is not of the dead but of the living.

    Totally agree.
    About Psychics and readings:
    I do not believe in any of the clap trap psychics say or tell. One of the funny things about psychics is they cannot tell you the lottery numbers! So basically in a nut shell they would be filthy rich if they could see into the future! In other words they cant see into the future! They give some mumbo jumbo about it being against some rules or something they cannot give numbers for the lottery. How silly is that.

    They do play on hurt and lost love and love and money. I see those ads on tv for psychic lines, that alone must have cost a bomb. So they must be making some money from people who want love, health or work. I know someone who ran up a telephone bill of over a thousand euros ringing these people. For some people it becomes an addiction and fix in their lives, and psychics play on this.

    In my book, genuine mediums are quite rare. Extremely rare even. Why would anyone phone a psychic though? A fool and their money ....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    Lucas10101 wrote: »
    The believers are now racking their brains trying to think of an excuse that's impossible to disprove.

    God love the 'believers' eh?

    What do they 'believe' in again?

    Believers believe everything, cynics believe nothing - the skeptics are in the middle. which one sounds like you?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,794 ✭✭✭JC 2K3

    Why is a connection made between the dead and so-called "hauntings"?

    Also, why does every proper attempt to investigate "spirits" and "hauntings" fail?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    Why is a connection made between the dead and so-called "hauntings"?

    Frankly because it isnt. Theres many factors like infrasound and high levels of electro magnetic radiation that cause people to see, feel, and hear things that arent real. Personally, the only things Ive found that im currently struggling to explain are EVPs - though some reckon quantum physics has something to do with it. If thats the case then I'll give up wondering as quantum physics is a whole mystery of its own.
    Also, why does every proper attempt to investigate "spirits" and "hauntings" fail?

    You can only say that if you have the research material on every 'proper' (however thats defined) investigation. Theres enough paranormal groups in the world with enough documented information on the paranormal to make it worth looking further into. You do though have to go find it though as theres a lot of fake crap around. Seek and ye shall find etc etc.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,794 ✭✭✭JC 2K3

    Hmm... iamhunted, would you be of the opinion that what is claimed to be paranormal is largely just tricks of the mind?

    As someone who is very interested in psychoactive drugs, particularly psychedelics, I'm aware of just how much your mind can potentially trick you by being manipulated by chemicals, and since binaural and monaural beats can also manipulate the mind in a somewhat similar fashion, I wouldn't discount the possibility of people having similar mystical experiences being linked by some kind of common mental trigger or external manipulation.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    I do believe a lot of paranormal activity isnt 'spirits' as such - more to do either with us or the world we live in. But i have had one particular experience - at the end of the day its only a story to anyone but me - that really changed my mind about the whole dead people thing.

    I was given information in my home about someone who had lived there by someone who was on 2 weeks holiday from the other side of the world - quite by accident - at a social gathering in our house - and I have no explaination for the information I got.

    This woman had never been in my house ever and yet she showed us the deceaseds bedroom, told us what it had looked like (before we renovated the whole house), told us about the death, told us info we actually had to pass on to the family (that was an experience) which we now know no-one outside the family knew .. it was genuinely freaky.

    Im a sane person but a) I'd have to take half a day to explain the whole thing and b) you wouldnt know what to make of it either by the end of it.

    I was basically told a lot of info the person that told me could not have known. I'd never met her, she'd never been at our house, she wasnt living in ireland - in the country for less than a week and we hadnt arranged the occasion until only hours before. Plus she had no expectations that she was ever going to our house in the first place as the whole thing was quite accidental.

    Doesnt make sense, unless I take the step to thinking she got the info from the person she said she got it from. And that person was dead.

    Up until that happened though, i'd no time for the whole 'spirits are dead people' thing - regardless of what had been going on around the house for a few years beforehand. Thats a whole other story that is.

    Ive said it before, but the only way you'll ever be really intrigued by the whole paranormal thing is if you've had some kind of experience that, no matter what way you look at it, you just cant explain it.

    That itself is something a cynic will never understand (I still think theres tons of them round here) but it should start a skeptic thinking.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 343 ✭✭karynp

    Personally,i have a major interest in the world of spirit and all that goes along with it,have done for donkeys years now. I dont believe there are hauntings or stuck spirits here on this earth,the spirit world (im my personal belief),have been around forever,since anything living has been ever able to pass away,so i dont buy the fact that people die and are left here to"haunt|". surely the spirit world has way more expereince of people passing away to leave them here to haunt others when theyve died,surely if people from your family have died and then you die,there not gonna leave you wandering aimlessly around the earth with no where to go. I think "hauntings" are just experiments from either side,we,the living want to know more about spirits and they,the sprits,try to teach us, somewhere along the line its een named as hauntings as its misunderstood.i am very aware of the fact im in the skeptics corner,i am one myself,yes, i believe in a lot of unexplained stuff,through my own expereinces.and every time ive had one of those experiences i really questioned it,not believed it and checked it out again and again.I think certain energies we cannot explain in a human sense reside on this earth and have been named by people as different things,written in books and read by others who then tell another and so forth until it becomes a truth to people.but yet remains unexplained.i tend to keep most of my opinions to myself as ive no proof of them happening or reasons why,i just enjoy being with like minded folk who i can discuss my thoughts and findings with.
    i also think psychic lines are crap and false and money making scams.i decided one time to apply for a job at one,they vetted me,had me do varoius random test readings and gave me a job,one person rang me 3 times in one week and i told them i thought they should stop spending there money on them,thus,i was rang by one of the bosses and given a telling off for saying such a thing,i worked for them for a short and believe me,i recieved shag all money for it while they made a pretty packet,i felt so guilty for doing that work and quickley left,completly in the knowledge of how much of a rip off it was,and before anyone slates me,im not looking for any debates here,just voicing my opinion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭merlie

    iamhunted wrote: »
    Its not the kind of thing any sane person would believe in until they happened to live somewhere that is haunted by a spirit.

    From reading what you wrote, if you believe in it, but have not experienced it you are insane?!

    I just want to say that a lot of things in todays society are fear based... such as so called hauntings and just like horror or supernatural horror movies are all based in fear. People like to play on this.

    A lot of people go to mediums or psychics because they want to have love in their lives, money, health and other issues. A lot of people come back time and again and spend lots of money on these people...and unfortunatly for some it becomes an addiction.

    People need answers to things but this isnt the way to go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,910 ✭✭✭OneArt

    Psychics are filthy rich because they get people to pay them for readings.

    I, for one, think it is a very enterprising characteristic and anyone stupid enough to be fooled by them deserves to be cheated.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 343 ✭✭karynp

    LOL,filthy rich? where did you come up with that line? I dont think so,apart from the very well known ones the "average" psychic aint rich at all,only in themselves not in a materialistic manner.

    OneArt wrote: »
    Psychics are filthy rich because they get people to pay them for readings.

    I, for one, think it is a very enterprising characteristic and anyone stupid enough to be fooled by them deserves to be cheated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,910 ✭✭✭OneArt

    karynp wrote: »
    LOL,filthy rich? where did you come up with that line? I dont think so,apart from the very well known ones the "average" psychic aint rich at all,only in themselves not in a materialistic manner.

    I must correct myself: psychics who commercially use their apparent "skill" are rich.

    I'm not talking about psychic people in general who don't exploit such ability.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,569 ✭✭✭iamhunted

    merlie wrote: »
    From reading what you wrote, if you believe in it, but have not experienced it you are insane?!

    I just want to say that a lot of things in todays society are fear based... such as so called hauntings and just like horror or supernatural horror movies are all based in fear. People like to play on this.

    A lot of people go to mediums or psychics because they want to have love in their lives, money, health and other issues. A lot of people come back time and again and spend lots of money on these people...and unfortunatly for some it becomes an addiction.

    People need answers to things but this isnt the way to go.

    To society if you claim to have a ghost in your house then you're insane and its not something you'll understand until you have lived in a house that is haunted.

    thats what I was saying - I'm sorry that you completely misunderstood me.
