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[US] 24, Day 7, Hour 5 [12 P.M - 1 P.M] [** SPOILERS WITHIN **]

  • 20-01-2009 10:49pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,906 ✭✭✭

    Sky is now a couple of episodes behind due to the FOX 4 hour premiere, so IE/UK viewers beware! summary:
    Jack and Tony use creative means to force Matobo out of his saferoom and prepare to leave with their captor when Agent Walker arrives on the scene, prompting Emerson to make some quick decisions. Agents Moss and Gold are sidetracked from their mission to find Walker when a representative from the Attorney General's office arrives to question them regarding the interrogation of Tanner. Henry receives new information about the death of his son when he follows a lead from Samantha Roth.

    Very good episode IMO - focused mostly on the First Gentleman and Jack's storylines but both came to a nice tense classic 24 cliffhanger, with both
    the First Gentleman and Walker in serious trouble. Plus, as the episode ended, I think it was a silent clock/countdown, so is Walker dead?

    I've spoiler tagged this post in case people accidentally "hover" over it on the front page, but it shouldn't be necessary for subsequent posts...

    Roll on hour 6 :).

    What did you think of Day 7, Hour 5, 12 P.M - 1 P.M? 32 votes

    delanec8SherifuinnocenteyesukUndeadAlso Starring LeVar Burton#DanielCarroller 7 votes
    kaimeraMr EJ-blkNeo#NecronomiconMadPatrickwhosedaddy?Mr. KMr Freeze 9 votes
    mewsoYakuzaMossy MonkMountjoy MuggerspeedfreakXavi6Aldebaran 7 votes
    teck-x5EglintonDingDongDavei141grimm2005silvineeVeNtInE 7 votes
    Manach 1 vote
    Elmo 1 vote


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,618 ✭✭✭Mr Freeze

    Ya I thought it was a great episode too...
    It wasn't an entirely silent clock at the end, you could hear breathing, so i dont think Walker is dead

  • Registered Users Posts: 924 ✭✭✭whosedaddy?

    really good episode... nice pace. keep it that way...

    of course Walker will survive....Jack and Moss will battle it out for her :-) me thinks the first gentleman will not die either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,503 ✭✭✭✭Also Starring LeVar Burton

    It says spoilers in the title - stop spoiler tagging everything unless it's for a future episode. Speculation on future episodes is not a spoiler.

    I thought this was the best episode I've seen, since season 1.
    I think the fact CTU is not in this series, has helped bring it back to its roots.
    Walker can't die yet - she's only been brought in!!! I hope she doesn't die anyway. Back in season 5 - Carlos Bernard was main cast even though he only appeared in about 5 minutes of the whole series.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,984 ✭✭✭Unearthly

    Actually I think the FBI office is a clone of CTU. You have moles, pointless relationships, people not following commands, incompetent procedures to lock down the building adequately.

    But I agree that the episode was good. I loved the ending. It's always classic 24 when Jack is forced into very awkward situations, and trying to guess in how he will get out of the problem he faces.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,906 ✭✭✭J-blk

    It says spoilers in the title - stop spoiler tagging everything unless it's for a future episode.

    +1 - I already mentioned it in the first post:
    J-blk wrote: »
    I've spoiler tagged this post in case people accidentally "hover" over it on the front page, but it shouldn't be necessary for subsequent posts...

    The only reason to spoiler tag the very first post is that there are always people who click through to the thread anyway, read almost the entire post in a spoiler-titled thread and still complain about it then :confused:. If you keep reading without having seen the episode, then it's your fault...

    Anyway, I don't think Walker will die so soon and she probably has a much bigger part to play through the season, but the clock threw me... didn't notice it was not entirely silent.

    Then again, Jack doesn't always get out of these messy situations and many times has to make the tough choice - remember what happened with Ryan Chappelle in season 3? 24 used to pride itself on the fact that nobody in the show was safe and could be killed at any moment...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,727 ✭✭✭✭Sherifu

    I was thinking of Ryan(yep, it was season 3) when it went silent at the end. You just had her breathing. It still got me, it's a great device for the show when they use it sparingly. :) I don't think she will die but then again I wasn't sure Jack would kill Ryan in season 3 either.

    The first gentleman(if that's what we're calling him) was obviously toast as soon as secret service guy said "i have a friend..." but as someone said above I think he'll survive too. For that to happen Roger's(?) girlfriend will have to overpower two secret service agents which i'm not sure about...

    Moral of the story is don't let Jack near your household chemicals.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28,128 ✭✭✭✭Mossy Monk

    I believe she isn't dead. I hope not anyway as she is hot.
    J-blk wrote: »
    The only reason to spoiler tag the very first post is that there are always people who click through to the thread anyway, read almost the entire post in a spoiler-titled thread and still complain about it then :confused:. If you keep reading without having seen the episode, then it's your fault...

    Indeed. Tough titty. Spoiler tags are annoying.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,396 ✭✭✭✭kaimera

    quality...liked it lots :)

    bit predictable with the first gentleman but non the less.

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭#Daniel

    An excellent episode, reminded me of 24's roots.

    I don't think Renee will die, the non ticking clock doesnt necessarily mean someone is dead, its a moment of very high emotion etc.. e.g. Jack losing Audrey at the end of season 6. She'll find a way out of it :P

    As for Henry Taylor he too will find a way out of it somehow.

    I can't wait for next week, the week long waits are driving me mad however, as I'm used to watching 24 on DVD :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,589 ✭✭✭✭Necronomicon

    Terrific episode. I'm loving this season. And I don't agree with the arguement that Season 6 started off with the same promise before nose-diving - it was pretty mediocre from the start.

    The Walker incident did remind me of Ryan Chapelle alright, but this had a markedly different outcome. They're building her as a female Jack Bauer, there's no way they'd kill her off this early. My guess is that it'll be just shallow enough to get out of.

    It was a bit obvious that the Secret Service guy was shady, but I think it's hard to call whether the President's husband will be killed off. [Pedant]Although the murder-suicide thing would be seriously undermined after an autopsy reveals he had paralysing drugs in his system :) [/pedant]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,141 ✭✭✭Yakuza

    #Daniel wrote: »
    I can't wait for next week, the week long waits are driving me mad however, as I'm used to watching 24 on DVD :D

    Same here, this is the first time I've watched a series as it unfolded. Seasons 1-6 I watched on sets...*ahem* :)

    Next week is the 150th ep (if you don't count Redemption), lets hope for a large body count!

  • Registered Users Posts: 51,342 ✭✭✭✭That_Guy

    I thoroughly enjoyed this episode.

    I agree with a former post that the FBI is an emulation of CTU. And that girl with the glasses is just a copy of Chloe.... except hotter IMO.

    I'm gonna guess and say that Walker won't die. I reckon they'll get an urgent call before Tony and Jack can finish the burial.

    Bring on next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,979 ✭✭✭lukin

    "Now bury her". Heh-heh, the look on Jack's face was priceless.
    I don't think she will be able to survive very long with that plastic over her face. I am assuming the Swat team will arrive and Jack and the lads will have to leg it, without burying her completley.
    But why in the name of Zeus's butthole didn't the Swat team take a chopper to Matobo's house?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,892 ✭✭✭grimm2005

    Best episode of the series so far, although thats not hard having only 5 episodes. Great ending i thought.
    Unearthly wrote: »
    Actually I think the FBI office is a clone of CTU. You have moles, pointless relationships, people not following commands, incompetent procedures to lock down the building adequately.

    Agree completly. Looks just like a very boring looking office type version of CTU but run in the exact same way.

    I also don't understand chloe and bill's motives for setting up their own rogue CTU organisation. They arn't working for anyone or getting paid. Surely they'd just accept that its gone, let the FBI deal with terrorist threats and move on unless theres another reason they're doing it.

    Also where's morris and the baby she was pregnant with at the end of series 6? I'm sure this one will be explained at some point

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,325 ✭✭✭✭noodler

    She was alive when Jack was burying her obviously? I mean we all saw her open eyes. It looks like Jack shot the top of her shoulder.

    Reminds me of a season 1 cliffhanger alright.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,325 ✭✭✭✭noodler

    She was alive when Jack was burying her obviously? I mean we all saw her open eyes. It looks like Jack shot the top of her shoulder.

    Reminds me of a season 1 cliffhanger alright.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,906 ✭✭✭J-blk

    lukin wrote: »
    But why in the name of Zeus's butthole didn't the Swat team take a chopper to Matobo's house?

    Probably because the US will still not have recovered from the recession and they need to make cut-backs... No fancy chopper rides for the SWAT team any longer :).
    grimm2005 wrote: »
    I also don't understand chloe and bill's motives for setting up their own rogue CTU organisation. They arn't working for anyone or getting paid. Surely they'd just accept that its gone, let the FBI deal with terrorist threats and move on unless theres another reason they're doing it.

    They said there was a conspiracy deep within the government itself - one which they believe the FBI or any other government controlled organization cannot expose - that's why they have gone off the grid...
    grimm2005 wrote: »
    Also where's morris and the baby she was pregnant with at the end of series 6? I'm sure this one will be explained at some point

    It's been three years since last season so it's now a two year old... And we've only seen Chloe briefly and in a setting that is not exactly kid-friendly anyway. Not sure what they'll do with this, I wouldn't care much if they scrap that storyline...
    noodler wrote: »
    She was alive when Jack was burying her obviously? I mean we all saw her open eyes. It looks like Jack shot the top of her shoulder.

    Yes, she was alive when shot, nobody said otherwise. He did seem to shoot her near the side of her neck but it's obvious the bullet only grazed her - he didn't expect to be burying her though and I thought the clock was silent at the end, which seemed odd (but others here mentioned you can hear her breathing as it fades to black). I very much doubt she'd die this early in the season but we'll find out tonight either way :D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,132 ✭✭✭silvine

    Great ending as many above pointed out. I particularly liked the look on Jack's face when Jackie Bauer asks him how much he's gettin paid for this and how all this will sit on his conscience. This series has a much more slow-burn feel to it than previous ones.

    The FBI is very CTU-esque. They even had the obligatory danger in server room scene last week. All they are missing is the keycards. Still the Attorney General angle could be interesting if they keep it going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,727 ✭✭✭✭Sherifu

    noodler wrote: »
    She was alive when Jack was burying her obviously? I mean we all saw her open eyes. It looks like Jack shot the top of her shoulder.

    Reminds me of a season 1 cliffhanger alright.
    Side of the neck. Flesh wound.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,485 ✭✭✭Mr. K

    Really good episode, this season is moving at just the right pace so far. There was a feeling of that unique 24 tension when they were trying to get Matobo and his wife out before the FBI arrived, then while wondering how Jack was going to save Renee. The whole situation was very Season 1, which was nice.

    Oh, and it clicked with me where I'd seen the actor who plays Matobo before. He was in Casino Royale, as the African terrorist. I knew he'd been an unpleasant character in something else! I don't want to see him die in 24 though, since he's been established as an honourable guy. Then again, 24 has a way of making you like characters, then pulling the rug from under you!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,464 ✭✭✭MOH

    Even the phones in the FBI office seem to have a variation on the old CTU ringtone.

    The whole shooting of Scully Walker reminded me of
    when Nina got shot
    in Season 1.

    Don't think she's going to be buried very deep though, she'll get out of it.
    Although it has been a few seasons since someone's died unexpectedly, so who knows?

    Thought the safe room was a bit useless. Even from the end of the previous episode, it was pretty obvious Jack was going to mess with the ventilation. I'd be looking for my cash back from whatever dodgy builder installed that one.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,489 ✭✭✭iMax

    Great episode. I reckon they're only covering her enough so that she's not spotable (what's the point of burying a body in a trench they they're obviously still digging (digger beside them), she'll be able to wriggle out. I'm thinking her ear was shot (covered by hair in future eps). So much for the "non safe" room.

    With Samantha & the first gentleman, I reckon he'll die & she'll escape, or she'll escape to raise the alarm & they'll get to him just too late. Although I thought I could see blood on his wrists as if they'd set him up as slashing them.

    I reckon they're maybe planning to spin off Renee in her own series.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 992 ✭✭✭Eglinton

    iMax wrote: »

    I reckon they're maybe planning to spin off Renee in her own series.

    Walker: DC Ranger

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,020 ✭✭✭eVeNtInE

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,955 ✭✭✭Degag

    I wonder if Aaron is going to make an appearance this season... one of my favourite ever 24 characters...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,483 ✭✭✭Ostrom

    Terrific episode. I'm loving this season. And I don't agree with the arguement that Season 6 started off with the same promise before nose-diving - it was pretty mediocre from the start.

    The Walker incident did remind me of Ryan Chapelle alright, but this had a markedly different outcome. They're building her as a female Jack Bauer, there's no way they'd kill her off this early. My guess is that it'll be just shallow enough to get out of.

    It was a bit obvious that the Secret Service guy was shady, but I think it's hard to call whether the President's husband will be killed off. [Pedant]Although the murder-suicide thing would be seriously undermined after an autopsy reveals he had paralysing drugs in his system :) [/pedant]

    God, thank you! Season six was dire...

    Great season and episode, nice dynamic to have a fully illegit CTU and Jack

    All it needs is Mandy

  • Registered Users Posts: 297 ✭✭Undead

    No safe room can withstand Jack Bauer with a bottle of bleach.
